The Sun in Pisces aligns with radical Pluto which can be a very good influence for cleaning up a situation that has become disordered or is confused.
We may have an insitinctive feeling about what to do next to get things up and running once again. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 15th March 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 15th March 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If life has been intense these past days, then the Moon in trailblazing Sagittarius can leave you upbeat, and eager to shift your attention to what's new and exciting. Even so, its angle with aquatic Neptune hints that you could read more into a situation than is really there, and with Mars also linked to this dreamy planet, there could be an error of judgement unless you are careful.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If a friend has a way of appearing and disappearing depending on their mood and whims, the coming days could see them gradually making a comeback. And while some people could find this disconcerting, you seem able to take it in your stride Taurus. For now though, you may be engaged with long-term ideas that you'll likely be very excited about as they promise so much.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This can seem like one of those times when the more you look at something, the more confused you become. It may be that a feeling of insecurity is causing you to second guess yourself. Get advice if you need it Gemini, as there might be someone in your circle who has enough experience to sense what is best for you. Need a chance to relax? A social event could boost your mood.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Moon forging a deceptive angle you may be at a loss, which could undermine your efforts. Don't dwell on any perceived failings for too long though, as this won't help. Instead, consider the positives and all those things you have succeeded at, as your confidence can be boosted if you do. Make a point of spending time in good company and you'll soon feel better.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Sun still linking with Pluto in your psychological sector, you may be drawn to reflect on experiences that have shaped your life, even if they have seemed challenging. Can't remember the original events? Try accepting the feelings you have about such things now. Rather than trying to turn the page back to another time or place, this can swiftly bring the peace you crave Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With the Moon in your domestic zone and the philosophical sign of the Archer, your activities today may not be earth-shattering events, but filled with a gentle wisdom and joy in the small things of life. Even so Virgo, your mind might be busily at work concerning your latest project. If you can allow yourself a chance to switch off for a while, you'll be so much more productive.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With the Moon in your communication sector, your presence at social events could boost others' spirits. But as well as encouraging new friendships and associations, the present picture can also see you being more flirtatious. Hopeful? A flame may be lit that could begin to burn more brightly over coming weeks. Excited about a home project? Positive change might be on the cards.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Others may have big expectations of you, but it is what you expect of yourself that affects you most. You could feel the pressure of certain demands more than usual, which can be a call to stop and reflect. While it is always nice to support others, the stellar backdrop suggests you could go too far in this respect. If your own plans require some attention, then snap to Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to enjoy yourself? The Moon in your sign suggests you could get swept up in a whirl of social activities. And arranging something or accepting an invite may be something you would also enjoy. Missed an opportunity to connect with a good friend? With Mercury in the last degree of your communication zone, they may call you or you might meet up by accident Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Moon in a more secluded sector can bring on a desire for some down time and a chance to unwind. If you are busy this weekend and have a hectic week ahead, then half an hour here or there to recuperate can do you the world of good. Think pampering session or a chance for a long chat with a good friend. Your horoscope suggests that sharing whatever is going on for you could be such a relief Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With the Moon in Sagittarius, a social event could act as a restorative if it enables you to link up with someone once again. People you have meant to connect with could call or show up unexpectedly, allowing you to renew your association. A lunar tie to Neptune suggests that you might be rather too generous when it comes to paying for things, so do count the cost first.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Words can have power as the ongoing Sun/Pluto tie encourages you to voice your views. Sometimes you do need to draw a line and make your feelings known, as this is the only way things might be resolved. Even if others don't agree, it can feel very good to stand your ground. The Moon in a prominent zone suggests that others might benefit from what you share today.