As the Moon in Aries aligns with sweet Venus we may be ready for some romantic action and could initiate it ourselves.
Whether this means breaking the ice with a certain person or taking our partner on a date we'll feel happier for doing so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 27th February 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 27th February 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Though you may want to adopt a practical and rational approach, present influences suggest that this might not be so easy. With lively Mercury soon entering its rewind phase and other planetary aspects stirring emotions, you could make major decisions for the wrong reasons. It's important to understand your motives if dealing with anything that could be life changing.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Compelling feelings can bubble up, and may be the reason that you feel driven to act. If you sense that you might not get what you want, then you could decide to take control and force the pace. If this concerns a desire to travel or to explore a new path, then being too precipitous might be a waste of resources. And if this involves a potential romance, it won't help to be too pushy.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you may be bonded to your friends, there could be some who aren't your cup of tea. And regarding a certain someone, you may feel it is time that you cut ties, especially if you no longer feel so good in their company. If you know each other well, this may not be as easy as it should be. And yet with sociable Venus making critical links, you might sense the time has come.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may be more courageous about getting your needs met, even if this does cause some waves Cancer. With lively Mercury linking to a key point, destiny may be calling, and you know that now is the time for you to make changes. For this to happen, you might need to discuss your relationship with someone who perhaps expects to call the shots, as they can no longer do so.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Are you ready for a love adventure? With the planet of romance in your sector of far horizons, you may want more when it comes to a key relationship. If things have been ticking over, then you may be looking for new challenges and opportunities. Have someone in mind? Factor in your responsibilities too Leo, as there is a way for both if you are prepared to look for it.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Lunar ties could see you assessing a recent friendship or perhaps a new romantic bond, and deciding where to go from here. This connection may have started out on a lively and sociable note, but can it sustain a move into deeper, more intimate waters Virgo? And what will the true cost of this be? These are some of the things you might want to consider at this time.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Should you follow a more independent path or acquiesce to family rule? The coming days can see you at a crossroads regarding a plan, which could set you apart from those in your clan. This could be a defining moment for you though Libra, as it may be your chance to let others know that you have your own life to live, and that you can't always be relied on to compromise.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Do you or another have a hidden agenda? It is possible that you may both be sabotaging an important conversation by keeping your emotions hidden. Would it be so bad if you were honest? Being the one to open up the discussion by bearing your soul to another can leave you vulnerable, but your horoscope suggests it might be the only way to bring about the breakthrough you need Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the planet of relating continuing her journey through your sector of romance, Venus's presence can enhance a current bond and add sparkle to a developing relationship. And yet you may become aware of any imbalances in the give and take of a new relationship. The coming days could find you holding back if you sense that things are not quite what you hoped for Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With lovely Venus now in your home zone, you might enjoy family activities as well as having people over for impromptu or more formal get-togethers. If you are inspired by a magazine to give your place a makeover, there is no better time to do so. But ties to powerful Pluto in your sign hint at challenges which could lead to control battles unless you can gently talk things over.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Have something to negotiate? If so, it will be easier if you are willing to see both sides of the issue. With a potent Pluto focus on the go though, you might prefer a strategy to entering talks unprepared. Still, there could be some friction over coming days unless you can let go of a subtle desire to take control. Letting things take their course can be so much easier on you Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With tactful Venus in your sector of values and money, you may be more inclined to enjoy some well-deserved treats. Venus feels very at home here, and this may be reflected as a sense of contentment or perhaps an urge for greater financial security. And yet the coming days could find you comparing your situation to that of a friend, and perhaps feeling a tad envious Pisces.