With the Moon angling towards Pluto and cautious Saturn we may feel that our initiative is being stifled by too many rules and regulations.
These are temporary aspects though and it is possible that once this has passed we may find a loophole that enables us to push ahead. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 31st January 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Friday 31st January 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As delectable Venus makes a lingering tie with dynamic Mars in your sector of far horizons, the idea of travel may appeal more than ever. And although a part of you may be content to keep a low profile, it seems that exploring other places can open your mind to new ideas and give food for thought. An encounter might lead to a lasting friendship, and a supportive one as well Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With a gentle focus on your social sector and the Moon linking to expressive Mercury, there may be much to look forward to over coming days. However, with intense lunar angles forming, it can be just as well to attend to any important matters first. These may be the very ones that you are tempted to put off though Taurus. Trust your instincts, and you could easily sail through them.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be in the mood to liaise with others and forge connections that can help you push ahead with goals and ambitions. At the same time, someone who has their own agenda might want you to do something for them. If you can't, don't feel bad about saying no. Plus, you may need to resolve an edgy issue before you can be on the same terms with someone as you were before.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may have some wonderful new ideas on the go that could keep you pleasantly occupied, while encouraging you to seek out new ideas and fresh opportunities. These can clash with more mundane goals Cancer, but there could be a way to make time for both. It may require organizing, but your horoscope suggests this might be something you can take in your stride without too much effort.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you feel stuck for any reason Leo, then getting out and about may be one way to get things flowing again. Whether you go for a long walk or opt for something more vigorous that gets your circulation going, such activities can help to channel powerful emotions. Doing so, could give you a fresh perspective on key issues and give you the stamina to face any challenges.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may feel like some quiet time, but with a busy line-up in your relationship zone, this might not be possible. And with feisty Mars powering through your home zone too, you could be kept on the go. Even so, with the Moon aligning with lively Mercury, you may sense that something needs to shift, and it could be a habit that does not support you. Now is the time for a change.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may be busy with a variety of tasks and projects, but you might do better if you don't attempt to take on too much. Plus, with Venus in your work zone forging an awkward angle with powerful Pluto, something or someone could capture your attention in a big way. Getting your priorities in order can help, as some jobs may not be as urgent as others, giving you more leeway.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With the focus on one of the more dynamic sectors of your chart, you may be ready to enjoy a variety of activities. Whether you love movies, have certain talents to share or relish going out with younger members of the family, the coming days can bring many opportunities for good times your way. Don't begrudge yourself this chance, as it can be such a restorative Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Although you may have plans, another side of you can feel like stepping back from the world and allowing yourself the chance to unwind. Will you be able to relax if you go down this route though Archer? It is possible that you have high hopes for one project, and this can drive you to push even harder. However, you can't do both at once, and a break could certainly refresh you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Current activity in your sector of communication can inspire heart-to-heart conversations. However, don't force such matters Capricorn. If you feel that now is not the time to talk to someone about an important issue, then leave it. When you are settled and relaxed, you might feel more comfortable about baring your soul and discussing matters that are personal to you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you feel emotional just thinking about certain matters, then this may be a clue that you haven't yet finished processing through them. With the Moon in your sector of communication making awkward angles to Saturn and Pluto, you might find that talking to the right person can make a difference. They could have a way of inspiring you to take action that helps you find closure.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You can either resist responsibilities or you can see them as an opportunity to make an impression. If you are holding back, then it may be because you prefer to chart your own course rather than follow the rules. Even so, embracing these tasks could allow you to showcase your skills and may prove to key people that you have qualities which set you apart from others.