With the Sun in Capricorn merging with articulate Mercury we may be eager to formulate important plans.
Doing so may be more difficult than we realize though as with ethereal Neptune in the mix more clarity may be needed. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 9th January 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 9th January 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As the Moon eases into Cancer prior to tomorrow's Eclipse, you may already feel a heightened sense of emotion which could cloud your judgement. If something is causing you to feel put upon, then you may seek refuge in homely activities such as a warm bath, good food and some pampering. Unsurprisingly, if you go down this route solutions to key issues can bubble up.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be looking for answers in the wrong place Taurus, which is why things can seem blocked. You might be focusing outside rather than taking note of how you feel within. Pay attention to your emotions, especially those that might be a tad uncomfortable, as something could become clear to you. You may gain a deeper understanding of how to tackle an important issue.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Any sense of pressure could peak over coming days, and you may get a strong sense that something major is about to happen. Change is in the air in a big way, and yet you have likely known this for a while now. It may already have reached the stage where you feel that nothing can stop it. You could feel a tad nervous, but knowing this might also be something of a relief to you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Is the bubble about to burst? You may have been building up to a meeting or relationship decision, knowing that a breakthrough could be in the air. But what is it that you really want? When you know this, the coming days can be easier to deal with, and the emotions you feel may be a release. Follow your heart, as it may be your best guide in a situation that could test you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
If you can take time for some quiet reflection prior to tomorrow's Eclipse, it could help you make the most of the days ahead, which might be eventful. Switch off your phone, find a place where you won't be disturbed and settle back with some soothing music. Allow thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings to bubble up, and important insights could easily click into place for you Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
One way to escape a sense of relentless intensity may be to enjoy being with friends in a positive setting. You may feel a need to talk, and chatting to those you trust about a current predicament could help you unwind and relax. As you share your hopes and fears, you might find your words shaping into a plan Virgo, and before you know it what seemed confusing can become very clear.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
'€œAnywhere but home'€, may be your mantra Libra. This is likely because you can feel the burden or pressure of responsibility more than usual and are actively seeking a respite. You might find it by attending to your job or involving yourself in activities in your local area. You need time to consider your options. Getting out could give you the freedom to think clearly.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your focus may be pinpointed on a key issue to the exclusion of all else. But if this intensity continues to build, then it may not be helpful to you, giving you little room to think out of the box or experiment with other perspectives. Take a step back and try to see the bigger picture, as this could give you more to work with. Your horoscope suggests you may see possibilities where there appeared to be none.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If you are looking for a way out of a compromising situation, then it may lie in connecting with others rather than trying to do everything yourself. By doing so, you can tap into two important resources which are acceptance and support. You may find that admitting to your vulnerability can bring you exactly what you always wanted, but have often been reluctant to ask for Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Other people matter, and yet with the issue you may be facing now, your focus could be mainly on yourself and your desires. If you are feeling a heightened sense of tension that may be linked to tomorrow's Eclipse and the powerful merger of Saturn and Pluto in three days, then reaching out to someone you love and trust can be a force for healing and could make all the difference.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The coming days look likely to be powerful, and in your case, this may be felt as an inner pressure as though a breakthrough is imminent. Rather than dwell on this, you might find that channelling your energies into tasks and gentle exercise can help you get grounded. While reflection may assist, you could discover that in keeping busy you'll better manage any intensifying emotions.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your social scene looks set for dynamic change, which is why focusing on those hobbies and interests that you personally enjoy could be a way to relax and recharge. The Moon in Cancer prior to tomorrow's Eclipse, suggests doing your own thing could help you get back in touch with what is most nurturing to you. Need to make key decisions? Trust your deeper instincts Pisces.