Fiery Mars forges a positive angle with dwarf planet Chiron in Aries which can highlight a deeply personal issue over coming days.
We may be moved to do something about it and this could lead us in search of a healing solution. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 5th January 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 5th January 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Mars your guide planet forges a positive angle to healer Chiron in your sign, this aspect can be a call to see a key issue from a bigger perspective. And perhaps to realize that this might also be a learning curve. Feisty Mars can also inspire you to connect with someone like a life coach or teacher, who might help you move through this and overcome it, leaving you more confident.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Now may be the time to connect with someone who can act as a confidante, if you need to get an issue off your chest. A stirring aspect suggests you may have been mulling something over and over, and that this may not be the best way to deal with it. Sharing with someone you trust can give you some relief, as they might even have a suggestion that helps you resolve it completely.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Trust your gut instincts, as they could lead you to make a move that turns out to be beneficial. It may be linked with finances, business or deeply personal matters but whatever it is, taking the plunge can be just what is needed to further your cause. Have an issue with a friend? Get it out in the open, as doing so can allow you to release tension and get back to how you were Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If a lack of belief is causing you to falter regarding your best plans, then a conversation or event could push you to override this, or at least to begin to do so. What would it take for you to move beyond this, even if doing so is an uncomfortable experience? Getting help from someone who motivates and encourages you onward can be one way of pushing through the fear barrier.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be eager to get out and about, but something might be preventing you from exploring an opportunity further. This could come to a head over coming days, as you sense that unless you act, this state of affairs might continue. It may not be anything major but just enough for you to avoid doing what you know you should do. Perhaps your best bet might be to jump in regardless Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Sun's developing link with dreamy Neptune, can find you drawn to someone and enjoying their company. Although a temporary aspect, you might have romantic leanings or may feel this person would make a good friend, especially if you both enjoy the same things. It can take some time for this bond to strengthen, but may prove to be an inspiration in more ways than one Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Embarrassed to connect with someone after a spat? If so Libra, a dynamic aspect can encourage you to reach out and start a conversation. And the good thing is that it might all go much better than you anticipated. All you need to do is make that initial call and take it from there. On a homely note, a visitor could bring good cheer and upbeat vibes, pleasantly boosting your mood.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If your lack of routine is preventing you from accomplishing key goals, the coming days could see you determined to do something about this. A conversation or encounter might be the catalyst that inspires you to overcome any complacency and get to it. And while this is something you might tackle long-term, starting now can get you into the right frame of mind.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to make the most of the day? With convivial Venus in Aquarius, this can be an opportunity for a get-together and a chance to relax with good friends. But with Mars in your sign angling towards healer Chiron, the coming days can encourage you to do something you may have held back from. Perhaps you are worried about the outcome, when it might be best to simply go for it.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Resisting change can be a futile exercise, and clinging to aspects of the past may keep you stuck. Whereas embracing fresh ideas could seem audacious and yet be very freeing. This is the situation that you may find yourself in, especially when it comes to property and family affairs. Something new may be ready to blossom, so rather than fear it Capricorn, consider embracing it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you enjoy making new friends and learning about all the latest news, then the coming days can see you truly in your element. There may be so much to discuss, and this could give rise to some very fruitful ideas and solutions. A friend may be very eager for you to join them in a project that sounds potentially exciting. Your horoscope suggests giving it some thought first, to be sure it is for you Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
While friends could bring a more conservative influence into your life, you might connect with someone who has the opposite effect, and shakes you up somewhat. This may not be such a bad thing though Pisces, as it might open your eyes to ideas and opportunities that could be very good for you. If you were to take advantage of one of them over coming days, you could benefit.