The Moon in Pisces angles towards savvy Mercury in Sagittarius which can bring back memories of sunny places and happy vacations.
If we are in need of some time out as the festive rush beckons perhaps being in nature can give us the healing respite we desire. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 5th December 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 5th December 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may have a lot to do, but it might be difficult to get moving. Organizing your priorities and making a list can be a good place to start, and having it to hand may help you stay on track. There may be so many reasons why your mind is distracted. the main one being that the Sun in your sector of travel angles to mystical Neptune which can see you yearning for a break or some escapism.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
All your well-meaning intentions could fly out the window if your friends tempt you with ideas for fun and entertainment. It may then be an easy matter to lose your focus and go along with their plans. Think twice though, if you have promised yourself you would make a start on something that is important to you, such as any creative or entrepreneurial pursuits Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The planets are bunched up in an intense zone, so your focus could be on issues that carry great weight. However, with the Sun angling towards ethereal Neptune, you could find it even more difficult to concentrate on crucial details. Your perception of people and events can be skewed, so consider waiting a few days before you sign anything, as it is better to have clarity Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may have a compelling reason to spend time with someone, and this could leave you disinterested in other matters. With the Sun angling towards Neptune, thoughts of this encounter could cause you to dream and fantasise about what the outcome might be. Be prepared though Cancer, as this meeting may not be as you envisaged. A more realistic approach might help here.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may feel that your schedule is ruling you rather than the other way around Leo. And if this is the case, then get some help. There are likely others who are more than ready to support you if you aren't too proud to ask. This month is hectic enough as it is, so cut yourself some slack. On a romantic note, your horoscope reveals mixed messages are possible as someone could take something the wrong way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Forging strong relationships may be more important than ever, and you may have gone to great lengths over recent weeks to resolve issues that might impede future progress. The Sun's developing tie with dreamy Neptune, can serve as a reminder that the connections we make can work both ways. Discrimination is key, as is giving back to those who are supportive to you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With dreamy Neptune shimmering in your lifestyle sector, sticking to a routine may not be the easiest thing. Seductive ideas and impulses can lead you to change your mind half-way through a plan. The upshot is that it could be hard to get much done Libra. Mars in the piercing sign of Scorpio can inspire you see time as a resource, and to harness it wisely over the days ahead.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If your schedule is packed, it may help to pare down your list of activities and choose those that will further your plans. While frivolous fun is a big part of the festive season, there is no harm in saying no to events you don't feel like attending, as it will leave more time for those you do. The lingering Venus Mars tie, does suggest that one memorable encounter could be very beneficial.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may need to maintain your self-confidence, as something you hear could leave you wondering if you are the only one who is being kept in the dark. Even if something is being kept from you, it doesn't mean that others are moving against you. The best way to handle the coming days is not to jump to conclusions, as there may be good reason for keeping things quiet just for now.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As an Earth sign, you can be very motivated, and not one to shy away from getting on with the job, but is there really any need to push yourself so hard over coming days? You may find that more soothing and restful pursuits are good for the soul, and can leave you feeling recharged. This is your chance to refill your creative well by avoiding too much activity and relaxing instead.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There may be a lot of introspection going on, and it might concern your deeper needs. Do you still feel drawn enough towards some key goals to accomplish them, or are they losing their sparkle? With a strong focus on a sheltered area, this is an opportunity to weigh up the pros and cons or perhaps consider making a few adjustments. It may be that your priorities are changing.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With asteroid Ceres opposing your Point of Destiny, consider what nurtures you the most Pisces? Is it the entertainment that others provide, or entertaining yourself? It seems that exploring your creative talents could bring immense satisfaction and lead to future opportunities, as well as personal growth. And while you likely adore your friends, your interests can fuel a deeper need.