Horoscopes Saturday 16th November 2019

The Moon in Cancer makes a delightful tie to beguiling Neptune in Pisces which can enhance the imagination and encourage day-dreaming.

We may find silence or being in a beautiful place very soothing, preferring to stay away from crowds and dramas. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 16th November 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 16th November 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Moon in sensitive Cancer and your home zone, you may feel like taking a step back and considering your current priorities. With lunar links to Mercury retro and dreamy Neptune in more soulful sectors, this can be a time to check out your feelings on key issues and perhaps discuss these with a view to resolving them and finally letting them go. It could be a real relief.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

This could be a day for a reunion and for catching up, especially if you haven't seen someone for some time. With an emphasis on social sectors, it's also an excellent opportunity to connect with friends, enjoy a romantic date or perhaps to break the ice regarding a love interest. Mind, with Mercury slowing prior to turning direct, watch out for mixed messages and misunderstandings.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If it seems that your relationship with a co-worker or someone you see on a regular basis has taken a backward step, it may be worthwhile attending to it. With ample opportunity for taking things the wrong way, making time to talk and get their side of the story can help smooth over any difficulties. Need advice on a goal or plan? Be very careful who you confide in Taurus.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon in your sign linking to creative and dynamic zones, getting out and about and exploring new options can feel good to you this weekend. The chance to connect with old friends and new, or to enjoy being with close ones, can be very nurturing. You may decide to visit a place that holds memories for you Cancer, and if you do, your horoscope suggests it could be a positive and healing experience.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There's no harm in taking a break if you need it Leo. With the Moon in a private zone linking to other quieter sectors, a side of you may relish the chance to unwind and do nothing much. And this might enhance your perspective on current responsibilities and commitments, enabling you to approach them in a positive mood. Ready for adventure? If you have the inclination, go for it!

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

This can be a very sociable day in a quiet and nurturing way. You may prefer to connect with old friends who understand you and with whom you feel completely at ease. The Moon's face-off with sobering Saturn suggests you could feel guilty for not working on a project that is deeply important to you, and yet you might find you are more productive if you make time to unwind.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With dynamic Mars moving through the last degrees of your sign prior to moving into Scorpio in a few days, this can be an opportunity to tie up loose ends. If an issue comes up that you thought you'd resolved, then it may need more attention so you can finally let it go. Eager to speak openly about something important to you? The Moon in a prominent zone could encourage this.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The Moon in your sector of adventure and far horizons can see you yearning for activities that bring emotional fulfilment. This might involve plans that differ from your usual weekend routine, and that can take you into an uplifting space. It might include travel or connecting with someone you don't see very often. Their upbeat and inspiring influence could leave you feeling good.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The difference between your thoughts about an issue and your deeper feelings could be quite marked. You may prefer to idealize something or someone, rather than look deeper at what is really going on Archer. Acceptance of a situation with a full awareness of all that is good and flawed about it can be a much better option than glossing over those areas that don't appeal.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may be tempted to put on a brave front, but those who know you well will want you to tell them how you really feel. If you are working together on a project, then sharing something that is important to you could make the difference between succeeding or not. A group discussion can reveal solutions that you may never have thought of, and that could smooth the way ahead for all.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Moon's face-off with Saturn could leave you feeling defensive, and perhaps keen to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. With other dreamy influences in the mix, communicating may be hit and miss Aquarius, with a possibility of misunderstandings. Whatever occurs though, try not to take it too seriously as it will swiftly pass. A little self-care may work wonders too.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may have a tendency to do more for others than you do for yourself Pisces, but perhaps you should consider reversing this trend this weekend. A harmonious tie between the Moon in nurturing Cancer and Neptune in your sign, suggests going all out to please yourself for a change. What do you fancy? Whatever is it, let it include those activities that can soothe and recharge.