The Moon in self-assured Leo aligns with lively Mars in Libra which can make for a sociable and upbeat day.
We may be keen to arrange an event that brings everyone together and that they can all enjoy. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 22nd October 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 22nd October 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may have more in common with someone than it seems, and with a little more effort you could find yourselves becoming friends. This might be to your advantage if you want to work on something together that has a creative or artistic bias. The Leo Moon also encourages you to try activities that bring out your playful side or to spend time with carefree children in your family.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Leo Moon suggests that you may need to take a step back and consider your feelings about a certain matter. Giving yourself the time to tune in can make decisions easier. Plus, if you feel like some pampering, this is an opportunity to enjoy it. You may be very much in demand though Taurus, with encounters and social events opening doors for discussion and lively opportunities.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be so deeply involved in a project, that it might be time to take a step back and review it. With an intense and dreamy focus now showing up, you might have steered away from your original remit and be veering off in another direction. A pause for thought can enable you to get back on track and make any adjustments so that you can successfully cross the finish line.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Moon angling towards edgy Uranus you might feel restless, and this could lead to you considering key changes. Once this mood has passed though, you might become a tad complacent once again, and things may carry on as normal. Is this what you really want though? There is a side of you that would relish new opportunities, if you are ready and willing to grasp them.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The way you approach anything can make it a pleasure or not, and this can apply to the various tasks and responsibilities that you have on hand. With Mercury and Venus making lingering ties to Pluto and Saturn, you may still have a lot to contend with Leo. A shift in perspective might enable you to get this all done in no time, in which case you have already won the battle.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You can do very well over coming days, but what you gain may come through subtle tactics rather than by making a big effort. For instance, you may easily be able to pick up on others' moods and feelings, and this can give you an advantage. But you might also find that a few words here and there could be enough for someone to follow your lead without you forcing the pace Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Moon's link to emancipated Uranus, suggests that this is a time to share any original or even controversial thoughts instead of holding back from discussing them. Rather than friends opposing such ideas, they may salute your courage for being so honest. In the same vein, a lunar tie to warrior Mars can see you out and about and enjoying the chance to be in good company.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you've been the one making all the decisions, then a flowing, dreamy Neptune tie can see you relinquishing control and letting your partner or key others have their say. Be prepared for a few surprises though, as with Uranus in your sector of relating, they could choose a course of action you hadn't anticipated, and yet this might make the day all the more exciting Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may be filled with big dreams and ideas, but one of them could stand out from all the rest and have a sense of destiny about it. There is no need to leap into action right away, as you can continue to build on this and visualize exactly how you want it to turn out. With key planets moving into your sign over coming weeks, you'll know exactly when to get things moving.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Now is the time to be honest with friends and close ones, even though it might be easier to gloss over your true feelings. If you do, it can encourage them to be open with you too, which could deepen your connection while enhancing intimacy. Something you share with a friend could inspire them to change or get into action, and all because you spoke up Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With the Moon in your opposite sign, you may feel sociable and ready to add a little sparkle to key encounters and events. And lunar ties to fiery Mars and sweet Venus suggest that this can be a great opportunity for breaking the ice regarding a potential love interest or connecting with someone who can help with an ambition.Your horoscope suggest that from tomorrow though, your goals can be a priority.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A lunar focus on your sector of wellbeing can be a call to enjoy a little self-care, especially if you haven't had a chance to do something nice for yourself for a while. A healing massage or a spell in a hot-tub or sauna, might give you a chance to consider a key matter and come to some conclusions. If the pace is slower, you might even enjoy walking in soothing surroundings.