As convivial Venus links to prudent Saturn we may be in a very businesslike mood and not inclined to be spontaneous.
We may not feel like the life and soul of the party, but for formal matters and events this transit can serve us well. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 20th October 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 20th October 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This could be one of those occasions when it is best not to appear over-friendly. Indeed, a business-like approach would be better. Discussions over coming days may involve a lot of detail and it is better to maintain a formal approach than to try to make light of the situation. There will be many opportunities for you to socialize, but for now, it's time to be serious.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With a cooler Venus Saturn connection peaking today, you may seek value and commitment over excitement and instant thrills. Romance can be on the cards, but the way you approach it might be cautious and with a view to testing any developing bond each step of the way. Even if someone promises you the earth, you will want proof that they can pay for it, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It may be difficult to make a straightforward arrangement without you wondering if there is an ulterior motive involved. This could lead you to ask a few searching questions, when a more diplomatic attitude might be better. A firm but tactful approach can work best. On a lighter note, competitive sport or cultural activities such as a concert or exhibition, can appeal greatly Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Moon's links to Venus and Saturn can see you holding back from saying what you really feel. This may be because of the possibility of being criticised. Would it matter if you were, Cancer? There are times when being honest is the best option, even if others might not like to hear this. By saying it like it is you can pave the way for key changes in your relationships.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
What do you really want Leo? A sensitive alignment can see you questioning your lifestyle and the way you spend your days. Ready to make those changes? Two potent aspects can act as a catalyst in this regard. Your horoscope encourages you to face up to those emotions that may have been a drain on you, as by doing so, you could free up time and energy for fresh opportunities.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
One way to make progress is to be flexible regarding the options open to you. If you decide there is something you can't accomplish, then your thinking may prevent you from having a go. The present blend of energies encourages you to dig deep for creative ideas that may lie behind more obvious solutions. With the right focus, they could work well and leave you feeling very proud.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may be in a situation in which someone is driving a hard bargain, but this doesn't mean that there isn't an answer. Venus's tie to prudent Saturn and ethereal Neptune, can help you to find inspiration when you most need it. Perhaps a book, movie or someone's words of wisdom, might be enough to give you sound ideas or help you rise above any issues that result from this.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Someone may put themselves forward as an expert, but don't presume that they know more than you do. If they are keen to prove you wrong, then be kind, but don't feel you have to appease them. You might not need to say anything at all, as your actions may show beyond all doubt that you walk your talk Scorpio. And this might reveal more than ongoing discussions ever could.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With Mercury forging a tie to cleansing Pluto, this is a good time to make a decision that could release you from a difficult situation. You may have grown in many ways because of this experience, but it is now time to move on. Don't want to tackle this alone? Choose a non-judgmental friend who has your best interests at heart Archer, and pour out your story to them.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An idea may be more valuable than you think, and it might only be once you go to work on it that you realize its potential. Naturally, you will have many thoughts and ideas. But be on the alert, as a savvy solution to a key issue or creative project can show up when your mind is relaxed. You'll know when it appears. But if you write it down, there's no chance of forgetting.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It you don't feel like completing those routine tasks, just do the best you can for now. With an edgy Moon/Saturn link on the go, you may find that any activity that helps you to relax is worthwhile. If you have the chance of a healing massage, then do take it Aquarius. Similarly, your horoscope suggests that a few hours at the local spa could work wonders if you can combine it with a sauna or some gentle exercise.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Is there a distance between you and a friend? If so, then Venus's developing connection with dreamy Neptune can encourage you to give them the benefit of the doubt. Rather than ramp-up tensions, consider doing the opposite by inviting them out for a coffee and a chat. By giving them a chance to talk this over, you could find that it was nothing personal, just life getting in the way.