The Gemini Moon and its lively and positive tie to Mars in Libra can boost a desire to get out and socialize.
If we are attending an event or arranging a get-together it could be very enjoyable for so many reasons. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 17th October 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 17th October 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you listen to your fears, you could hold back from doing something. Yet perhaps the way ahead lies in not over thinking your next steps Aries. With Mercury aligning with Pluto, you may be keen to have everything go perfectly, but other more easygoing aspects suggest that a relaxed pace could work better. And enlisting the help of friends could see you make light work of it.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A small but unexpected windfall or a positive event that occurs out of the blue, could leave you feeling you're not alone and that the cosmos has your best interests at heart. Equally possible, is an encounter with someone who tells you something that you really needed to know. Such events may not happen all the time but when they show up, it can be a sign that destiny is at work.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Mercury's tie with Pluto may be responsible for the edginess you feel regarding an important matter, especially as conversations are likely to be intense concerning it Gemini. The Moon in your sign though, can see you employing a little intellectual nous and putting forward other ideas that may help those involved see things in a new light. This could take the pressure off.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Are you tiring of the same activities? Current aspects could find you benefiting from some positive change. This isn't to say that you should give up your most loved hobbies, but that you could benefit from mixing with those who share some of your more unique interests. Doing so could broaden your outlook Cancer, and put you in touch with options that you can truly enjoy.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Mercury's fading angle with Neptune, suggests it's still wise to be careful with your cash. No matter how wonderful an offer or purchase, don't buy into it unless you've checked it out. Better still, read a few good and bad reviews and get the measure of the item or gadget you're so keen on. However, Mercury's link to Pluto encourages you to dig deep and perhaps look for an alternative.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The present planetary backdrop could see you becoming involved in a relationship that has no clear boundaries, which could leave you open to being taken advantage of. This doesn't mean you will Virgo, but it may be wise to consider this before you make any commitments or promises. You might be reluctant to ask those relevant questions, but it can clear up so much.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may have a lot on your plate Libra, but don't feel you have to keep pushing to complete it. With a delightful influence urging you to accept an invite or do something fun, why not? If you take a break, momentum and enthusiasm can build and you may get more done much faster. This can also be a good time to cut back on household expenses in any way you can.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It may not help you to be too easygoing Scorpio, as you could get all kinds of requests and invites. The coming potent aspect can be a call to set boundaries and guard your time carefully. While the diminishing Mercury/Neptune link can see you accepting invites so as not to upset others, a more focused angle encourages you to be very selective and to choose your company wisely.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With Mercury in a more secluded area of your chart linking to dreamy Neptune, all kinds of treasures may come to light. In fact, this can be a good day to rummage around in hidden corners or areas of clutter and see what you can find. And if you have been thinking of selling unwanted items online or off, there may be a profit to be made, and perhaps more than you realize Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Keeping everyone happy, including yourself, could be a bit of a balancing act, as current influences might make it difficult to stay focused. The coming days may be easier if you avoid becoming preoccupied with any one plan over another, yet this might not be possible. You could get excited by an idea that requires a lot of energy but that also offers a golden opportunity.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may feel good about wanting to spend money over the next day or so, either for a job interview or to enable you to stand out from the crowd and claim the spotlight. The extra expense can be a wise investment if it helps your desired outcome. Indeed, your horoscope suggests that by enhancing your image, other offers and opportunities may show up, perhaps because you feel more confident.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Has an association been affected by certain misunderstandings? An intense aspect involving potent Pluto could add to any unsettled feelings, and yet there is the possibility that things could improve if you are willing to say it like it is. Although as a sign, you are not one for conflict, there is much to be said for speaking your mind, especially if you feel it is justified and necessary.