Horoscopes Tuesday 17th September 2019

With the Moon in Taurus merging with freedom-loving Uranus we may be in the mood to do our own thing no matter what others may think.

Yet, a chance to follow a more independant path could open up new possibilities. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 17th September 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 17th September 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Excitement and restlessness can be a part of your current money picture, so you may be ready to change tack at a moment's notice. The Moon's link with Uranus in your financial zone, suggests you'll be ready to look at this area with fresh eyes. Recycling possessions and selling or passing on what you no longer need could even leave you feeling freer, happier and more at peace. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An independent mood could sweep over you, and might be the reason you prefer to do your own thing. A rebellious approach can be exciting, but if it means reneging on a promise, then reconsider. Keeping close ones up to date is wise, and will enable you to enjoy any me-time too. On a romantic note, passion may be building in a bond that could perhaps change your life.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A brilliant flash of an idea can leave you excited at what might be about to unfold. The inspiration can come in the form of a night reverie or while enjoying a pleasant stroll. If you have been struggling with an issue, the answer can arrive suddenly and may catch you unawares, so stay alert. Willing to give it a chance? It might work better than anything else you have tried.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Friends can certainly surprise you over coming days by saying the most interesting things or coming out with ideas that seem very pertinent to your situation. You might even get a call or visit from someone you haven't seen in a while, and this too could be intriguing in a good way. Plus, some interaction could be necessary to clear a misunderstanding, allowing it to heal at last.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Unexpected offers can come your way, and you only need to be alert and available to embrace them. As the Moon ties in with innovative Uranus in your sector of goals and ambitions, you may be gifted with an opportunity that you have always wanted, but that seemed a long way off. Ready to embrace it? While it's natural to feel apprehensive, you may regret not having a go.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The chance of a trip could come out of the blue, and might lead you to accept an invite to a place that has been on your list of things to do for years. The fact that you never asked for it can make it all the more enjoyable. Wondering about the cost? Ideas as to how to raise extra funds could show up just in time. If everything falls into place, there may be no reason why you can't go.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With buoyant Mercury and sociable Venus in your sign, you may be in a congenial mood, which is just as well, as you could feel unsettled if someone does something you hadn't expected. As restless Uranus rewinds in your sector of deep emotions, this may seem to happen more often, with close ones sometimes acting out of character. Softening your expectations may help.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A chance encounter could be electric due to a lively influence, and this could see you getting along very well. Even if you only enjoy a short conversation, you could find the chemistry sizzling. Your natural ability to forge powerful connections could be a factor here, and this may lead to further meetings in the future and to the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Expect the unexpected, and consider simplifying things as far as possible. A relaxed and flexible approach could be just what is needed to handle life's detours. There can be some perks to things not proceeding to plan though, and that is finding new ways to accomplish your goals. Ready to make some new discoveries? Then relish the ups and downs as they could benefit you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If an activity stirs your interest, it could become something you return to again and again. You may find out about it by accident though. And you might be so engrossed, that everything else seems to recede into the distance. Enjoy yourself, but don't forget about other important issues you may have on the boil, as your horoscope suggests that with the right focus, a lucrative opportunity could soon be yours.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A desire for something different on the domestic front could leave you excited by the possibilities now open to you. Feel a tad resistant? If so, reflect on them further and you might begin to see how this is the key to progress. Going ahead could be disruptive, but once it is done, the results might pleasantly transform aspects of your life and give you a sense of achievement.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could inadvertently blurt out something you had intended to keep a secret. If you do though, would it matter? It is possible that the pressure of keeping certain issues under wraps may have caused you to feel uneasy, even if you haven't acknowledged this to yourself. Sometimes such accidents can serve as a useful purpose, if they enable a situation to move forward.