Horoscopes Sunday 4th August 2019

A lunar link with lively Mercury in Cancer can see us reminiscing and perhaps looking through photos or calling an old friend.

We may also find browsing through vintage stores or a museum an absorbing way to spend some time. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 4th August 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 4th August 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

A positive line-up in your sector of vitality and creativity, can see you eager to pour your energy into various projects. You might discover hidden abilities and desires, whether this relates to a hobby, craft or competitive sport. And you can develop yourself further by pitting your skills against others. Eager to chat to a friend? They may have some lifestyle advice to share with you. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your dreams of getting your home ship-shape continue, as a feisty influence encourages you to get on with tasks you may have ignored. These might include clearing out clutter, moving furniture and giving your place a makeover. Once you begin to see the results though, there may be no stopping you. Ready to beautify your home? Add your own special touches Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Virgo Moon encourages you to take a look at routines associated with housework, diet, lifestyle and general wellness. As a result, a trip to the library or the chance to surf the net, could spotlight information you're keen to implement. Also, whilst you're at it, shedding one bad habit might also make a difference, especially if it has been holding you back from feeling your best.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may feel like splurging, with a lively and indulgent focus on your money zone. Go easy though, as extra expenses can also show up, which might include bills for unexpected items such as membership fees or contributions to a key event. You might find it equally satisfying to put some money away for a special purchase though, such as a well-deserved vacation or other treat.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Any surplus of energy can be used to your advantage. A new discovery can pique your interest, taking you away from your everyday tasks and enticing you into a world of excitement. Use this line-up to create a fresh start, and the more flamboyant the better. If you have a flare for entertaining or love drama, then you may be in your element and very much loving the spotlight.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You'll have no shortage of ideas now and over the coming weeks. However, you'll need to use both intuition and logic when deciding what you're going to focus on. Plus, if you're looking for solutions to a romantic dilemma, watch your dreams tonight, as one of them might reveal exactly what you need to know. Talking such issues over with a friend could leave you comforted.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Jupiter in your sector of talk and thought, encourages you to study and expand your horizons, although you would be wise to look at your options before you make a start. If friends are in a similar situation of wanting to get ahead, it may be time to join forces, as pooling ideas and resources can lead to exciting opportunities over the days ahead, when luck may be on your side.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Social ties associated with a job or business you're connected to, can be a reason for a get-together that nets you more new friends. You'll enjoy the chance to mingle with those who are positive and dynamic, and who have creative ideas they're keen to share. One conversation today could be a real game-changer Scorpio, if you are willing to take on board new information.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The issue of managing your resources could be high on your list of priorities, and may be the reason that you are in two minds about a trip or potential vacation. You may have other things to do or might feel that your money is better spent elsewhere. Before you turn anything down though, your horoscope suggests you think about the possible benefits as they could be substantial if you plan it out first.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

An optimistic outlook could prove to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, and one that brings expansion and prosperity too. With a delightful focus on your zone of shared resources, you'll be keen to resolve ongoing financial issues, and ready to take advantage of opportunities to use your resources creatively, so that you can make the most of them. Doing so, can benefit you greatly.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Catch the current wave of energy and enthusiasm, and ride with it as far as it will take you. Envisage wider ambitions for the future and take a chance on improving key aspects of your life. Today, it seems your faith in a better tomorrow may be rewarded. And friends and close ones will be supportive and keen to spur you on, and may even want to assist you in your efforts.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You might decide to increase the amount of exercise you do, which will likely be down to a dynamic emphasis on your wellness zone. If you have energy to spare, channel it into work and health goals that positively inspire. In addition, a competitive streak can see you forging ahead and enjoying pitting your wits against others. Doing so, can be one way to expand your potential.