Horoscopes Saturday 20th July 2019

With sweet Venus in opposition to compulsive Pluto our desires and feelings may be insistent and intense.

Although a temporary aspect, it is just as well not to let hidden resentments flare up, as doing so won't help our situation.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 20th July 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 20th July 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may have done all you can to avoid a showdown and so far, it seems to have worked. The policy of holding back and keeping a low profile may have enabled you to navigate through some edgy issues with little or no fallout. Still, this doesn't stop you from feeling resentful about certain things. Deal with such emotions wisely, as turning them back on yourself won't help. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As thoughtful Mercury continues to rewind, making decisions may be more difficult than usual. Depending on your mood, your thinking could change from one moment to the next, leaving you and others up in the air. If you don't choose though Taurus, then someone might do it for you, and it will be a choice that benefits them. Have the courage of your convictions, and go for it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your sixth sense may be on high alert as feelings can intensify. Be sure though, that you are reading this situation correctly, as things may not be as they seem. With inquisitive Mercury rewinding, the potential for getting things wrong is much greater than usual. If there's a mystery developing that you can't fathom, asking the person involved will answer all your questions.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you want something badly enough, you'll find a way to get it. But perhaps what you need more than anything is to shed some light on this matter if it is haunting you. This may not be the first time either, as this pattern has likely repeated itself more than once over past weeks. It maybe that the desire for something is stopping it reaching you. Let go, and it just might arrive.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The stresses and tensions that we endure in everyday life can take their toll on us, which is why keeping your feelings held in may reduce energy levels or influence wellness in other ways. Who do you need to talk to most Leo? If this is something you have been putting off for a while, then opting for a heart-to-heart chat could leave you feeling much better in mind, body and spirit.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It may be tempting to do your part for someone who requires assistance, but if this is the third or fourth time they have asked, it may be wearing a bit thin. It might be that this person needs to become more self-reliant. And if it is a good friend, you may feel bad telling them this. Perhaps they are anxious about something, and if so, helping them face their fears could set them free.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Someone's energetic imprint may be so closely bound with your own that it may be stifling you. And this issue has likely come to a head more than once over past weeks. You may not want to distance yourself from this person completely, especially if it is a family member, but you will need to set some firm boundaries, and to gently let them know that you are your own person.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With talkative Mercury in reverse, it may seem easier to keep certain things to yourself, even if this does complicate matters. What would happen if you made your position clear though, Scorpio? Would this have a negative effect on a situation or a key relationship? Honesty may be your best policy, as once the truth is out the discussions that follow can be more productive.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Have faith in yourself and your abilities, as intense forces could seem to undermine this. If you find yourself doing or saying things to impress another, then it could have the opposite effect and see them overlooking you. You do best when you let yourself be the freedom-loving, adventure-seeking person you are. Your horoscope reveals this is what others respond to and love about you the most, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As lovely Venus moves to oppose potent Pluto, it may become obvious that someone wants something from you. They could resort to flattery or more manipulative means to get it too. If you react, things could turn a shade darker between you, and control battles can result. If you refuse to be baited though Capricorn, they cannot antagonize you, and after a while may leave you alone.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Moon's tie with the restless vibe of Uranus in your home zone, may bring you the perfect gadget that can make life easier on the domestic front. If you have struggled with a certain issue, this might be the answer you have been waiting for. On a deeper note, don't promise to do a work assignment or other task if you are already overburdened. Saying no is truly the easiest option.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Getting signals from someone? The coming days could see this intensifying Pisces. If you are interested, then this could be the start of a romance that has been quietly developing. Not your cup of tea? Don't beat about the bush, let them know, otherwise they may continue thinking there is hope when there is not. A no-nonsense conversation should put an end to this fairly fast.