Communicator Mercury turns retrograde from today for approximately three weeks, and it does so in the sign of Leo.
Delays and misunderstandings may lead to mistakes and sometimes to mini-dramas. If we stay one step ahead things can be easier though. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 7th July 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 7th July 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you have something to announce, do get the details right. With Mercury going into reverse from today and linked to feisty Mars, you could be tempted to make a bold statement or promise that's not completely focused. Hold off from rushing and understate rather than exaggerate, as it could save you embarrassment and keep your image intact among those who count the most.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
When it comes to your relationship with someone in authority, this can be an opportunity to sort out an issue that has been on your mind. The Sun's tie with sobering Saturn in its retrograde phase, can inspire you to make some adjustments, adding a fresh dimension to recent discussions. Your horoscope suggests that talking about this matter could shed some light on a misunderstanding and help put things to rights.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Cosmic energies can make it easy for you to persuade others that your ideas deserve their support, especially if you have been working hard to prove yourself. If there is one area you have doubts about though, then it may be wise to let others know. With Mercury starting its rewind now, potential flaws could be quite costly. If discussed Gemini, a solution can be found.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you over analyze your moves, you could end up doing nothing. The cosmos encourages you to act while you feel passionate about an idea or relationship, as too much thinking could mean your intentions come to nothing. Venus now in your sign, suggests you can be charming and persuasive when necessary, and putting these skills to use can see you stepping forward.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With sociable Venus in a secluded sector, you have a chance to improve your relationship with yourself by tuning into deeper feelings. It is time to discover more about your heart's desire. On a similar note, a potent link can denote a yearning for a specific outcome, and you may be prepared to do anything to get it. It might not be what you think, so proceed with caution.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may have a chance to reverse a decision that was made in haste. As Mercury your ruler aligns with Mars, and rewinds in a private zone, the willingness to admit to your error can endear you to others. While it might have been easier to let it go and hope for the best, you have now marked yourself out as a person who is trustworthy, which can count for a lot Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Lovely Venus continues to help you achieve your goals, by making it easier to talk with those who can assist you. It is likely that you have impressed them already with your dedication and willingness to work at maintaining positive relationships with key people. Someone you encounter over coming days could be a breath of fresh air Libra, and may prove invaluable.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The coming days can see a change in the way you think about key responsibilities, and it may be down to thoughtful Mercury aligning with upbeat Mars. The realization that you don't have to stick with a set way of doing things and that it is better to be flexible, could give you hope. As a result, a key issue could shift and perhaps move in the direction you desire over coming weeks.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon in a prominent area makes some leading connections today, that could set you thinking about the opportunities for progress that are currently around you. In six weeks or so, you'll have a chance to make great strides, but preparation can be key Archer. What do you really want? If you answer this sincerely and set your intentions accordingly, you may soon feel much happier.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With romantic Venus benefiting you in positive ways, you may gain much pleasure from reveling in your senses. The fragrance of flowers or the aroma of your morning coffee can boost your spirits. You might also find you are feeling more alluring and creative too, and this can see you pursuing a new bond or trying out a pastime that you turn to again and again for recreation.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A healing can occur, as dynamic Mars aligns with expressive Mercury, despite its retrograde. The coming days might inspire you to call someone up to resolve a difference that occurred some while back. It may not be anything too edgy, but if it has been on your mind, then this gesture may smooth things over. It can allow you to press the reset button and encourage a fresh start.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If you have so far resisted getting involved in the schemes of a friend, then they may apply more pressure over coming days to reel you in. Nevertheless, with diplomatic Venus working on your behalf, your approach to them can change. It all hinges around being able to persuade them in a very charming way, that your help is not necessary and that someone else may do a better job.