Horoscopes Saturday 11th May 2019

A positive Sun Saturn link can see us putting out a lot of effort and being really focused when it comes to our to-do list.

We may find it easier to concentrate and to attend to details which can make key tasks so much easier. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 11th May 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 11th May 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Rather than kick back this weekend, you may do the opposite and decide to knuckle down and get any overdue tasks out of the way. Have a personal plan or ambition? You may be willing to give your spare time to making it happen, and if you can continue this level of dedication, then you surely will succeed. A respite and good company are necessary too, if you're to keep up the pace. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may have an urge to do something constructive that can make a positive difference to your future. If this is the case, then the Sun's alignment with sobering Saturn, suggests that getting back up to speed with knowledge or certain skills could stand you in good stead. What you gain from going over the basics, can lead to you excelling at your specialty in more ways than one.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Thinking and wondering about something may feel productive, but unless you follow through with action, you likely won't accomplish much. You could find yourself in this situation over coming days, when you may get hooked on an issue and find yourself turning it over and over in your head. What might help Gemini, is to make a decision and act on it as soon as you can.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you're working behind the scenes to prepare for an event, then your hard work and attention to detail can make all the difference. Whether you are doing this solo or with others, a down-to-earth aspect hints that you can get a lot done very quickly, and the outcome may be impressive. Factoring in a chance to unwind and enjoy some self-care will keep you going.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Restructuring your routines and activities can lead to a breakthrough Leo, and one that might lead to you having more time for the truly important things of life. If you have been overwhelmed lately, then the need for change may be felt even more keenly. The Sun's link to Saturn retrograde, can see you thinking about your goals and tailoring your daily schedule to meet emerging needs.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Everyone else may be rushing around, but that doesn't mean that you need to as well. You often have a reputation for efficiency, and this can be enhanced by working smarter rather than harder. Delegating is one obvious choice, but also accepting that not everything has to be perfect. If you're trying hard to make it so, relax and just do your best, as this is likely more than enough.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

In a few days, you may wonder how something so trivial could seem so obsessively important. Yet if you are still going over and over something in your mind, know that soon this may seem like nothing at all. The cosmos encourages you to put your energy to more constructive use by focusing on plans that will accomplish something worthwhile, and letting go of all the rest.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may be tempted to add all kinds of bells and whistles to an idea to make it more appealing. But as the Sun aligns with focused Saturn and intense Pluto, it may be wise to make it as simple as possible, especially if others are involved. In fact, breaking it down into its most basic format means that almost nothing can go wrong, and much will go right, which can be very pleasing.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As lovely Venus in Aries aligns with fiery Mars in Gemini, a secret may not stay secret for very long, as it can be too tempting to confide in someone you know or are hoping to impress. This lively aspect is not very good at all for keeping things quiet, as a need to talk can mean that it all comes out into the open. If you want to be closer and it helps you bond, does it really matter?

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The solution to a personal issue may be simpler than you think. You might be making it more complex because you can't see an easy way out Capricorn. Asking someone who is not involved may be a revelation, as a fresh perspective could resolve it. You may still have to put in the effort, but your horoscope reveals that knowing you're on track could bring peace of mind and make for a more enjoyable day.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If there is no urgency about what you need to do over coming days, then why put so much pressure on yourself. A productive Sun Saturn link, hints that pacing yourself and doing a thorough job is preferable to rushing. It is better for you psychologically too, as adopting a mindful approach can make a task or project enjoyable and bring superior results Water Bearer.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With expansive Jupiter so prominent in your chart, you may want to take a risk, and yet as it is also in its rewind phase, an intuitive nudge might let you know that this is not such a good idea. If you confide in others, they may agree with you that slow and steady will win the race. With a very grounded aspect over coming days, the conservative route may be the better choice.