Weekly Horoscopes 9th November 2020

Mercury returns to Scorpio, Mars goes direct, and very helpfully the wonderful Scorpio New Moon links so purposefully to Jupiter and Pluto all of which can bring new energy to understanding how to improve our deeper understanding of our need for transformation, or perhaps to improve the systems and health responses to Covid. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 9th November 2020 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If your plans have not gone as hoped, then prepare for better times, as feisty Mars turns direct in your sign after a six-week retro phase. A dynamic Jupiter/Pluto tie could inspire you to push ahead with a bold idea that you have been working at for some while. Plan any key moves to coincide with the Scorpio New Moon over the weekend, and you'll have a much better start. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Mercury's move into Scorpio encourages greater communication, and can find you looking beneath the surface rather than listening to someone's words. This may prove necessary, as a potent aspect along with a New Moon, suggests you and another might be working together to accomplish something big, and that you'll need to be clear about their thinking and motives.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It's wise to get organized, as major plans may be on the cards. If this week's Jupiter/Pluto tie is anything to go by, you'll need to have everything in order to make the most of a special opportunity. The more prepared you are, the better. It's also wise to make the most of the New Moon, as the moon-tide can help you along. Socially, things begin to look better as well Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As Mars forges ahead in your sector of ambition, matters can look more promising. If your efforts have borne little fruit over past weeks, this may well change. Plus, with an empowering Jupiter/Pluto tie on the cards, you could be ready to commit to a project that you and another are working on. The weekend New Moon is perfect for taking a budding romance further.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If your efforts at securing new opportunities have resulted in little progress, you may now have more luck, as fiery Mars turns direct in positive Aries. It might take a week or so for the red planet to get back on track, but once it does, your confidence and leadership skills can also return. In addition, something you've been working on could take off in a big way, and if so, you deserve it.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As messenger Mercury re-enters Scorpio, this is a good time to catch up on any plans that have been languishing on the backburner. Ready for lift-off Virgo? This is the week that a creative project or other development, can come into its own. All your efforts will no longer seem in vain. The potent New Moon over the weekend, could give this plan an extra blast of positivity.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus opposes Mars, you may wonder why someone seems to be so reticent. Whatever the nature of this bond, things can take a turn for the better as Mars pushes ahead after its six-week retro phase. Something you've been working towards at home, might come to fruition. Whether a small business or something equally important, good things could come from it, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If energy levels have fluctuated over recent weeks, you may notice a difference as Mars your co-ruler, pushes forward. It might take a week or so, but soon you'll be so much more productive. This week is special for another reason too, as a potent Jupiter/Pluto combination could encourage you to launch an idea or project. With the New Moon adding its positive vibes, success can be yours.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Does someone's company leave you indifferent? You may begin to warm to them from this week, and perhaps to find that you do have a lot in common. However, much of your attention might be taken up by developments on the financial front. If you have worked hard for no return, your investment could be about to blossom. Trust your intuition Archer, and all will be well.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you had a project in mind, such as starting a home business or other plan, it can now take shape, and you might also be ready to get moving on an ambitious project of your own. As Jupiter merges with Pluto in your sign, the time may be ripe for the next big step. Utilize the weekend New Moon to take positive strides in the direction of your dreams, and you could do very well.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you've been dreaming of new possibilities, then the chance to take things further could show up this week, Aquarius. You'll sense that it's time to make a move that you might have been planning and working towards for a while. The Scorpio New Moon over the weekend aligns with a powerful aspect, hinting that if you take the plunge, your efforts can soon come to fruition.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Mars forges ahead in your financial zone, it can bring an end to delays and cash flow issues that may have plagued your path. Your efforts will be more likely to bring results, and they should show up over the coming week or so. Involved in a team project? If so, you could find yourself in thick of it this week, as a group plan begins a new phase that looks to be exciting.