Weekly Horoscopes 22nd June 2020

Early on this week restrictive Saturn is in a tense angle to the Sun in Cancer. Mind, much as Mercury is now Retrograde in Cancer, Venus ends hers in Gemini, but wait, Neptune slams on the brakes. What does this mean? Well, Neptune asks us to embrace our more inner spiritual dimension. But with Mars powering into Aries late in the week, new drive, determination and purposefulness are available to us all. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 22nd June 2020 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This week can be a time of decisions associated with tying up loose ends and finding closure on matters that may have been ongoing for too long. You may be ready to forge ahead with financial and relationship plans with gathering confidence. But the big news is that feisty Mars your ruler, moves into your sign over the weekend, and this can boost vitality like nothing else. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Venus your ruling planet turns direct this week in your money zone, beginning a new phase in your relationship to finances, resources, skills and talents. During her recent retro phase your perspective may have changed, giving rise to new ideas and positive decisions. Ready to make dynamic changes to your life? Mars in your psychological zone might prove very effective too.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Keen to resolve any financial issues? With Mercury in reverse in your money zone, this is a good time to review spending and make a few wise moves. With Venus pushing forward in your sign, you'll have a better idea of how to approach a relationship that might have had you a tad confused. In need of greater social connection? From later this week, things can begin to heat up.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Dreamy Neptune rewinds, which could see you questioning beliefs that you have held for some time. Gradually the truth will dawn, and you'll be ready to embrace more life-enhancing options. As Mars makes a tie with sobering Saturn, it might be easier to find a concrete solution to a relationship issue that has confounded you. Perhaps a conversation can put things into perspective.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Been mulling over changes to your social life? You may be ready to let go of contacts who seem to take more than they give, and doing so could be a relief. The Sun in a quiet zone means you might choose to enjoy more alone time, as you reflect on your life and how you can improve on key aspects of it. This week's Quarter Moon could encourage a heartfelt chat with someone Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Need to get a handle on a relationship? With aquatic Neptune going into reverse this week, it may become easier to see things more clearly and to know what to do next as clarity is restored. Lovely Venus turns direct in a prominent sector, which might bring progress regarding a contract or other deal over the coming week or so. A collaboration could begin to show positive results.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It's worth putting your best foot forward and getting your CV out there or promoting your talents, even if Mercury retro delays results. If you proceed carefully, things can begin to move forward. As the attracting Venus turns direct, you could get confirmation that an idea or opportunity is the right one, and push ahead feeling good about the path you are embarking on Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Confused about your feelings for someone? As Neptune regresses, you may gain insights that eluded you previously, and these could help you to make an informed decision. You might find that financial or business affairs start to right themselves and that positive solutions begin to emerge. Trust your instincts over the weekend if you need to make a key decision, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you've been through a time of negotiation and discussion regarding a relationship, then your efforts might now begin to bear fruit, as sweet Venus pushes ahead this week. A focus on an intense zone hints that now is the time to let go of the past and embrace new options. Regarding household expenses, a cautious Mars/Saturn tie might see you eager to make savings.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Have deals or contracts been mired in confusion? As Venus moves forward and ethereal Neptune turns retrograde, things can begin to make sense and you may soon feel ready to make a decision. With Mars forging a positive aspect to practical Saturn, other key plans might begin to fall into place. From the weekend, home and family affairs could move higher up your list of priorities.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

While Mercury retro may require you to take extra care at work, other areas of life, such as finances and romance, could slowly begin to improve. As Neptune rewinds, you might finally be able to make progress with a money matter that has confounded you. Another positive tie suggests that solid steps forward are possible, even if progress continues to be a tad slow.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you have longed to move forward and yet been uncertain of your direction, matters can take an upward turn as nebulous Neptune goes into reverse. Over the weeks ahead, it might be easier to discern what you really do want as opposed to what others want for you. The Quarter Moon can find you ready to take a creative project further, and it may have therapeutic value as well.