This week's Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, asks us to balance the more emotional sides of our situations with with the more material and worldly. With Neptune also influential, tuning into our sixth senses is key. Sunday sees the mega stelluim in Capricorn finally peak. Power battles are very possible. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 6th January 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This week can bring an intense combination of events that may be no surprise. And you might be pushed into breaking an ongoing stalemate. With a Lunar Eclipse linking with key planets including Saturn and Pluto, seismic events can trigger feelings. And this might encourage a chance to restructure your goals and to change your relationship with authority and power Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Ready for a breakthrough? It's time to admit to those plans that aren't working, and to look to goals and opportunities that nurture you and bring satisfaction. Letting go of something you have put effort into may be difficult, but it can help you get rid of so much deadwood and enable you to move into a more productive phase. Clinging to the past? Embracing the new could be so fruitful.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Gather yourself together and tap into your inner resources, as you may be dealing with something that you have sensed was coming for some while. With a key lunar phase in the mix, you could experience an emotional release that paves the way for a fresh start. It can be cathartic, and there is a sense that some things may never be quite the same. Yet you might find this so very freeing.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With five planets, including dwarf planet Ceres, merging in your sector of relating, this week can be a turning point. A potent Lunar Eclipse could initiate a cascade of feeling which might see you turning over a new leaf within a key relationship. You could restructure your current bond or decide on a more radical change. And yet within this, there is great potential for future growth.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Ready for a major shift? This intense week can see you finally taking the plunge regarding a job or enterprise that may have had its day. You've likely known this for a while, but with a dynamic Eclipse occurring, there may be no stopping it. Within this is an urge to find something that deeply nurtures you. Make way for change and you might find yourself so much happier.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Have an urge to connect? With the Sun and Mercury linking to dreamy Neptune, it could seem that a bond has potential. Even so, a potent Saturn/Pluto connection suggests progress may not be possible unless a key issue is resolved first. This might be linked to a romance or a creative collaboration, and once you have done the necessary everything could begin to fall into place.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While the expansive Jupiter in your home zone can hint at exciting developments, this week brings an opportunity for a shift in your work/life balance. If you have been dealing with major responsibilities, you'll want to rearrange them, and this could be initiated by feelings of frustration and a desire for something better. Ready to commit to this? You'll make great strides if you do.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be in your element this week, with powerful forces at work that can act as a catalyst for key conversations. If these have been postponed, the lunar eclipse may be the trigger for discussions to begin, unleashing changes that could be overdue. Your instincts may tell you this is a sign of good things to come. And once resolved, a better way might indeed open up for you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may go through a purge regarding your possessions, and perhaps decide that a minimalist approach would serve you better. With a transformative line-up in your sector of resources, this can be a powerful time for letting go of things you no longer need and for paring back expenses. The result could be that your finances are healthier, and you have more space to manoeuvre.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
What have you been holding onto that now needs to go Capricorn? This week can bring a shift that might affect you in a very personal way. Perhaps you knew this was coming and have mentally prepared for it. This freeing experience initiated by an Eclipse, could pave the way for something exciting once the dust has settled. It's important to let your feelings flow though.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If buried issues have been pushing their way to the surface, then the coming week may bring a powerful release of emotion that could be very healing. Pent up feelings might emerge, and with this an opportunity to let go of so much that has held you back in subtle but significant ways. Ready for positive change on the home front? As Uranus pushes ahead this can be a new focus.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Whether you are part of a social group or a larger organization, the week ahead could see major changes that can dramatically reshape affairs. It may come as no surprise, but it might also mean that you'll be catapulted into a new situation and will have to find your feet. And yet because of this, you may be able to make a dream come true much sooner than you thought possible Pisces.