As we bring down the curtain on one decade, and move into the next Jupiter and Mercury sparkle in a stunning alliance with the switchback energies of Uranus, urging us to embrace real change. Some of the those can be how we marshall our resources, or how we earn money, others can be more to do with being more daring, especially with Mars arriving in Sagittarius on Friday. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 30th December 2019 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If life has seemed intense, things can shift this week as empowering Mars your ruler, moves into adventurous Sagittarius. This can bring on a lighter and brighter mood and encourage you to reach out for new opportunities and perhaps to travel. Mind, it's wise to stay alert as there is a possibility of a breakthrough that could bring a new contract or chance to earn extra cash Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may welcome an opportunity to pick apart those strands relating to a relationship or financial issue. As a proactive influence enters an intense zone, the coming six weeks or so can see you confronting those awkward issues which might bring on feelings of guilt, shame or other emotions. Need someone to talk to? A life coach or counsellor could be invaluable Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This can be a fortunate week, as it could encourage powerful insights into a personal matter that might help you to resolve it more easily. If you have wondered why it is so difficult to let go of a past relationship or other key issue, thoughtful Mercury's links to Uranus and Jupiter could be like the sunlight piercing through a dark cloud. Ready to socialise? You can be in demand Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you've enjoyed the holiday week and are still enjoying it, the movement of feisty Mars into your lifestyle sector could encourage a period of clean eating. You still have time up to and including the New Year to celebrate, but past this point something can shift. You may be ready to exercise away any festive pounds. In addition, an encounter could be very fortunate Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although there have been opportunities for celebrating over this past week or so, the coming week can find you ready for further adventures. As sporting Mars moves into your leisure zone, energy levels can rise. Burning this off through exercise can leave you feeling so much better. A conversation around New Year might benefit you greatly Leo, leading to further developments.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The New Year can coincide with lively encounters and far-reaching opportunities that you might very much enjoy. The start of 2020 could see you eager to embrace a new phase and anything that can be of help will be very welcome. You may be ready for a clean sweep concerning home and family affairs, as a stirring influence might find you tackling anything you have so far put off.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As dynamic Mars moves into your sector of communication for a six-week stay, it will also align with celestial body Chiron over the weekend. If you are feeling some hurt or wounded around a relationship, this aspect may be a call to do something. Still, it pays to go gently rather than be too blunt. And New Year can bring an unexpected call or visit that you might enjoy.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
New Year's Eve could turn out to be interesting, as you could connect with people you haven't seen or heard from in a while. They may have exciting news or perhaps a topic of conversation will rouse your curiosity. As Mars your co-ruler powers into your money zone for a six-week stay, money can flow in and flow out just as quickly. Working with a budget could be helpful.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If aspects of your life seemed out of your control over recent weeks, this can all change as empowering Mars enters your sign for a six-week stay. Its presence here can give you a burst of energy and encourage you to get moving on those plans that are most meaningful to you. Ready for the New Year? As the old gives way to the new, a bold opportunity may present itself Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
2020 could kick-off in a dazzling way, as key encounters and opportunities seem destined to come to you. If you are invited to a New Year's bash, then do attend as you never know what positive developments can result from this. Still, as the red planet enters a sheltered zone, the coming weeks can be perfect for tying up loose ends and finding closure on any key issues.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As 2020 gets underway, you might prefer friends to come to your place for a quiet celebration. However, quiet doesn't mean boring as you will likely find out. What comes up in conversation could be both startling and exciting. And you'll get your social sparkle back this week Aquarius, which can see you getting involved in activities with a learning curve that you might relish.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Whatever you're doing on New Year's Eve, it could be exciting. Reconnecting with friends and family and catching up on news can bring up interesting ideas and opportunities. One of these could stick and you may want to take things further. 2020 begins on a positive note, with feisty Mars entering your sector of goals and ambitions. Ready to make your mark? Now is the time.