30% Off Your 12 Month Love Horoscope Forecast

30% Off Your 12 Month Love Horoscope Forecast

Monthly Love Horoscopes

A lot happens in a month and therefore, there is a lot to pack into your Monthly Love Horoscope Forecast…First up, there are the Moon’s phases, secondly, there are planets moving into different signs, known in the trade as ingresses, and then of course there are retrogrades, when planets ebb backwards. Now to pick through all this to get to the nuggets that are really important to Love and Romance, takes quite a bit of weighing things up. In fact, weighting is a very real process in astrology, deciding which influences have the greater impact. You can also read your Daily Love Horoscopes and Weekly Love Horoscopes .

Please click on your Zodiac sign icon below for your Monthly Love Horoscope…

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