Indian Horoscopes 2014

Aries 21 March – 20 April

2014 can be a year of activity, and the best one for you in terms of health. You will find your professional life to be more dynamic. You will achieve solutions to some of your old and odd problems. Impossible will say I M Possible this year. Your confidence will be at a peak after June 2014 onwards. All this will make you financially stable and respected in society. Remarkable job opportunities will knock at your door for enhancing your future prospects, and you will be smart to grab it. Relations with family members are at the top of the chart and you will understand their emotions and act accordingly. Partnerships, joint areas of work and marriage/relationships all seem good for you. There can be opportunities to find new partnerships, as well as marriage/relationships for the unmarried/singles. Financially, the year opens up well and there can be a good amount of inflows and gains from mid 2014. You can expect substantial financial gain, recovery of outstanding money or a windfall gain during this year. During the first quarter of 2014, the home front may become a reason for a little stress and pressure which may make you scattered. Things may improve dramatically during the latter part of the year and you may even buy a new house, office or vehicle. You will work on your relationship and make it happier. You may embark on a leisure trip with your beloved post July 2014. You may experience changes on the career and work front. Your efforts to stay ahead in the race will be fortified and bear fruit. In 2014, your life can blossom, spreading all fragrances of liveliness.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

During this year, Taurus natives will need to be very careful, almost walking on a tightrope, in order to keep things sorted. However, opportunities would be a bumper for you. This is a year when luck would be available in abundance. Please do not involve yourself in any kind of controversy. If you look after yourself well before time, you won’t need to worry about your heath. Don't take anything for granted. Efforts of your hard work will bring in returns as well as growth. Family life will be happy and fulfilling now. However, with power comes responsibilities too, and it is advisable to share this authority with someone equally forceful. The second half of the year will bring you unprecedented money, progress and power. Activity will peak. A new member might join your family in the second half of the year, and this will bring harmony into your life. You need to be careful, as new friends and relationships might hurt you in the long run. Your physical health is going to be sound and robust in the latter part of this year. You need to address yourself regarding internal mood swings. Your career can be at an all time high. Great news, any growth opportunities can come from overseas sources. People looking to invest in real estate should step in. Financially, you look set to be on a safe track. However, if you are not careful with your investments, things may not be the same. Time for relocation would be favorable after April. Anyone pursuing business may have to travel a lot in the second quarter of the year. Students will get expected rewards for their systematic input in studies.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Year 2014 seems to be very favorable for you, but you do need patience and sincerity in your tasks. This year may yield nicer results in all spheres of life. You may try to change your career for better earnings in the future. You may seek financial assistance from banking institutions. Heavy expenditure during the first half of the year may affect your performance. The biggest guard you require is against pessimism or depressive thinking taking root in your psyche. You should not allow negative thoughts to manifest at any stage in your thinking. You may experience changes in your social circle and your interest in occult, mystical and metaphysical will increase. You will find your professional life to be more dynamic this year. You will achieve the appropriate solution to some of your old problems too. You should patiently listen to your beloved or spouse and soothe them with kind words. Your polite behavior alone can bring peace into your life. Students will fare well in their studies and come out successful in several competitive examinations. You may change the mode of preparation and presentation of your knowledge. It is a period when new expenses and wasteful investments could creep up on you. If you are not cautious, these overheads could suck out all your profits and savings. Your creativity would be high, as will the vivid dreams that you are likely to experience. However, you should trust your instincts and present to the world the real you. Your learning and intellectual curve would be very high now, and this period will see you explore new avenues.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

No setback will be able to conquer your strong immune system in the upcoming year 2014. You need to be a little more co-operative at your place of work. Apart from the stress from work, all the other spheres of your life seem to be very profitable. Major decisions regarding your wealth and family are taken during the second half of the year. You may get adequate returns for your previous investments or savings. Your Father may be another major source of revenue. The biggest guard you require is against pessimism or depressive thinking taking root in your psyche in first quarter of the year. Your desire for peace and tranquility in your home life will be fulfilled. Your domestic domain may remain relatively calm this year. Business will bring profits to you that will let you expand your business and hence accomplishing new heights. Your entrepreneurial situation will improve. This will reinforce the bond between you and your business partners. There may be mixed results for these areas of your life. Love matters may progress well during the second and third quarter of the year. Students are advised to focus completely on education without any second priority. Investments need to be handled very cautiously during initial days of the year. However, things would start to pick up from the third quarter onwards, and by the end of the year you shall be quite satisfied with your progress and financial security. You will find your family and all your beloved ones close to you, especially when you need them. If your aim in life is to be successful in competitive exams, then this year might be the year when your dreams will come true. Apply your intelligence in every field and you will be blessed.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This is the perfect year for you to strengthen your bond with your near and dear ones. Your name and fame will reach new heights. However, there will be good opportunities for earning. Plans for buying a house or vehicle may get delayed, but finalized as well. After vigorous efforts, you will be successful in completing these tough assignments. In spite of some oppositions or resistance, you will be able to implement your strategies with success. You will be highly concerned about your parents’ health. 2014 would open with a maddening pace at work. Your career will expand rapidly. Your responsibilities and areas of operation will increase. Achievements might come to you, but don't get over-confident. You will be in touch with people in positions of authority, and may find substantial gains through such associations. Clarity would emerge at work as well. Low progress of your children in their studies might bring tension at times. It is most likely that you may find a suitable partner for yourself and settle down in the sacred bond of marriage. There is no place for heart breaks and emotional drama. In spite of some delays in communication, you will be able to establish a good channel upwards. Sincere efforts of students will be rewarded in the end. You may be delighted to know about success in higher studies either in your native land or abroad. You should not take everything to heart, remain calm and composed, otherwise you might suffer from anxiety in the third quarter. Overall, this is your time. Make the most of it. You will be in seventh heaven and enjoy every moment of success.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

All your planets in 2014 will keep you glowing throughout the year. Jupiter will help you progress in your career. And you will have a year of great success and achievement. You will work passionately towards achieving goals in your life. You may get providential help for your tasks. You will have to be very careful about injuries to upper parts of the body. No major health issues or accidents are foreseen. A new source of income and a sudden lump sum gain from an unexpected source would be possible now. Luck for your spouse would be high, and you might undertake a pleasure trip overseas. Mid 2014 onwards, will bring a career transformation. You will enter into a very active all expansion oriented phase at work. You definitely need to impress your seniors with hard work, as it can then bring you appraisals from all over. You will earn from an unexpected source. Investments at present will bring you good profits in the near future. Love is coming your way this year. So be prepared for a big change. Marriage will bring you luck and love. The possibility of new arrivals is strong this year. Students may come out with success after serious effort and strenuous toil. 2014 looks to be very promising for professionals, as they would be offered lucrative offers. Business will also excel dramatically. Your previous debts will be solved. Some long term professional relationships will be initiated. You should ignore other people’s comments on your lifestyle. You should be very alert and vigilant about your health in the second quarter of 2014. Students, who are planning to head to foreign locales for higher studies, will have a great and fruitful time. Travelling may become a necessity for some of you.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

2014 would be a very active and memorable year for you. While financially, you will find unprecedented growth. Your positive attitude will encourage you to get rid of the obstacles getting in your way. Businessmen may need dynamic strategies to penetrate into the markets. Partnership is not advisable this year. You will try to execute all the steps of your planning. This year will be a healthy mix of financial status, progressive career and a peaceful life. Some domestic issues need to be sorted out. This is the time to reassess your relationships, both professional and personal. Your thinking and attitude might be fixed and inflexible most of the year. You need to be soft and receptive to ideas. Looking at the positive aspects, this combination can give you focus. You will then get the opportunity to show your leadership skills as well, but do not force your decisions onto others. Take good care of your health and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. There is no indication of any major illness that you may have to combat, but small issues can keeping cropping up. You may have to prove your sincerity and commitment on a few occasions. There may be decent growth in social status as well. You may earn handsome wealth this year, but you will not be able to hold on to it. You should learn to save properly. Your optimistic attitude for reaping monetary benefits and grabbing such opportunities will be result oriented. Any financial dilemma can be resolved with some assistance. Avoid prolonging arguments and fights with your loved ones. Keep yourself open to all circumstances and do not allow anything to dominate your mind during the second quarter of 2014. You will develop a more optimistic outlook, which will help you immensely.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Energy and confidence will flow in your blood this year in the last quarter. The initial quarter would be little cumbersome or require you to work smartly. Control your eagerness and anger and handle things with a cool mind. You and your family have many hopes, desires and aspirations. Well, you can rejoice now in your family. Your social status may be maintained without any taint. You already have learnt to control your short temper and handle situations with a great deal of maturity. If unmarried, you will have a good chance of getting married. There would be quite high chances of finding love, marriage or a new relationship. New partnerships and gains in joint projects can happen in the second half of this year. Your business will flourish which will indeed increase the balance in your bank accounts. You will enjoy them all; moreover, they will do wonders for your professional life. You will meet with several changes on the job front. However, your bosses will be on your side because of your sincerity. On the business front, things will be streamlined and you will get many business offers. There are possibilities that you may go abroad for further studies as well. It is better to postpone long journeys including foreign trips on vacation throughout this year. Whatever health regime you start now, you can sustain it for a few more years at least. Issues could continue with your family while you will make good progress at work. Your status would rise despite pressures. Consumption of proper food and disciplined living conditions is necessary in the first half of the year to enjoy sound health. Any litigation you’re involved in can end on a positive note in third quarter of 2014. Overall, your helping nature will develop a respectable image within society.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your stars this year will give you happiness from multiple sources that will keep you enthusiastic. In family life, the distance that was created due to continuous disputes will begin to cease gradually. You may also go for the renovation of your home, which may give you new stamina. You may enjoy better life with your family members i.e. spouse and children. You or someone in your family may participate in some philanthropic activities which can bring name and fame. You may become committed to a relationship this year. You may also want to take this relationship to the next level. The year is ideal for married couples to strengthen the bond of their love by becoming more intimate. Hurdles might come your way if you are planning to start a new business, but a positive attitude can bring you all round success. Your time will change however, as you will begin to learn to deal with the challenging situations. There may be least resistance for your decision from higher authorities. Soon the results will appear and your work life will take a boon. You may capitalize on your relations or associations in your career. New sources of income will become possible for you. There would be chances that a new business is set up this year. If you are looking for a job change, you may have to wait a little longer. Ignoring the advice of elderly people may result in you being involved in many petty health issues this year. You may have some minor aberrations during the second half of the year. Students can expect another accelerator in their academic career. Don't avoid traveling as it might fetch you unexpected profitable results. Believe in yourself and put in all your efforts as they will all reap sweet results this year.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may enjoy some thrilling moments and interesting combats during this year. Positive energy flowing in your mind will provide you with a positive attitude to face any hurdles creatively. It can be an exceptionally busy year. Career, work and public life would be in focus throughout. Working as one with the family and trying to sort out any issues can be a tough task, but definitely not impossible. You will be in a phase where your creativity would shine and new ideas would be in abundance. Elderly people in the family may require more emotional attention now. Your partner’s moral support is likely to increase in the second half of the year, and that is when you will need it the most. Also, try to avoid involving family issues into your love life; this might cause unnecessary strain on your relationship. Overall, your love life and relationships can take a smoother path. The possibility of birth or conception of a child can not be ruled out this year. You will be on a near lifetime high during this year. Investing in real estate could be a good option this year. You should make the most of this period and mark out maximum progress. There will be an increase in your income and a lot of savings can be made out of that. Those of you who are willing to relocate have stars in their favor. You should expect business coming in from a foreign land. If there is any old debt that was bothering you, it won't any more. Students will enjoy bright times for their work this year. It is better not to postpone foreign journeys or visits to isolated places. You should seek medical guidance even for minor health complications in the second and third quarter of the year. It is important to invest in a medical budget.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

2014 can be a promising year. After a long time, your concepts and strategies would prevail over what you do. You will feel empowered. Your luck will rise, and your personality will be powerful. You will also develop a special interest in religious matters. You'll find yourself potent enough to crack the target you have thought of. You will enjoy gradual growth and sustained development. Change is inevitable in your domestic life. You may need to change some of your set ways and habits. Your efforts to propose to a person may materialize during the second half of the year. You will also take a small trip with your partner; you will enjoy the real bliss of love and affection with them. Friendship will once again blossom. You will attend auspicious celebrations on several occasions during the year. Gains from real estate or other such fixed sources could come up now. Your financial condition will remain stable for most part of the year. You may have adequate options to show your talents and expertise. Promotion or a hike can happen soon in the second quarter of the year. Substantial gains on travel and an overseas destination will become possible in the third quarter of the year. The flow of money will be smooth running throughout the year, but you need to learn to save this income as well. Students will enjoy cordial relations with their professors and teachers, which will ease learning. Those appearing for competitive exams will clear them with flying colors. You should address your health issues seriously. Don't be on your own and do consult an expert or doctor in case of casualties. Any undue stress should be avoided. Your caring nature towards all will result in harmony in your life in 2014.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

In 2014, you will realize your strengths and apply them to your life. You need to be more practical to deal with situations to dilute the intensity of problems. You should control your emotions and need to take decisions rationally. You need to address many unsolved riddles in first quarter of the year. Domestic life will be peaceful during this year. You will try fixing all the wrongs and can even be successful at it, but may not get the due credit for doing so. You need to be controlled and reserved with your partner. Some issues could crop up with your spouse this year. Health of spouse could be a challenge too. Love is a delicate chapter, which has to be dealt with, with the utmost care. New position, more power and more money can be expected in your profession. But you may be tested by your superiors on many occasions. The year looks to be especially progressive for service class people with certain stress as well. A new business partnership shall be advantageous to you. Improvement in your mental state as well as financial confidence would come after July 2014 onwards. You should judge a person carefully before becoming close to that person professionally. There could be possibilities of a real estate purchase or a new car in the third quarter of the year. Hurdles will come along the way while achieving your business goals, but your positive and energetic nature will help you overcome these. Students who are looking to join a college, should take care and gain thorough knowledge about their place of learning. You need to avoid a careless approach to studies, as this may result in poor performance. You should give thought to a medical budget this year.

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