Ten of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Moving in together, engagement, commitment, family, marriage, domesticity.

Ten of Cups Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

The Ten of Cups promises a calm and peaceful time when you can enjoy your partnership. Family matters are blessed and celebrations surrounding family life such as engagements or marriages are likely. This card is one that promises joy, stability and happiness, as well as financial comfort. Any partnership entered into at this time is likely to be long term and stable.

With the Ten of Cups in a spread, singles are unlikely to stay solo for long. Furthermore, anyone you meet at this time is likely to become a long term partner.

Reversed Meaning

Communication complications can result in rows and ructions. Try to choose your words with care, in particular make sure your mate knows how much they mean to you. If you have a family don't overlook them in favour of your latest attachment.

Commitments and issues from the outside world can wreak havoc in your love nest, try to keep your love and work life as separate as possible. Don't criticise each other to your relations and always appear as a united unit in front of interfering family members.