Eight of Cups Tarot Card Keywords
Changes, moving on, exploration, seeking the truth, self-discovery, recklessness.
Eight of Cups Tarot Card Description
Eight is the number of ambition, and it brings with it an inner drive for power and success. This is allied with the suite of cups which strengthens the intensity of our feelings, which in turn means you can reach your goals.
Upright Meaning
Everything may be in a state of flux, but this could suit you rather well, as it gives you the chance to consider what it is you really want. The Eight of Cups suggests there may be an imbalance in your life. The cause of the problem may not be immediately obvious, indeed, you may feel that everything in the garden is not only rosy, but peachy and tickety-boo too. Nevertheless, there is an aspect of your life which is not ‘quite right’. Once you discover what the problem is, you will be able to restore balance and overcome obstacles. You may find that you are stumped as to which direction to choose. However, when you are dealing with the suit of cups, you need to take note of your inner voice and gut feelings. The Eight of Cups also asks you to explore your emotions and dreams which can give you clues as to which is the best route to future happiness. Few of us enjoy change, but the time may have come to move on, be that finishing a relationship, moving home or seeking a new job. When you feel able to move away from the past you will be able to explore some exciting new ideas and begin a voyage of self-discovery, which could include exploring issues surrounding spiritual and emotional truths. If you are feeling very daring, you may even find yourself trying a whole new life style. Perhaps joining an alternative community or commune – even if only for a short time.
Reversed Meaning
You are primed and ready for action. The problem is, are the opportunities in front of you actually as appealing and fulfilling as they seem? Perhaps it is that you are so eager to do something that your dissatisfaction could see you leaping into anything, and that could prove to be a very big mistake in the long term. Or is it that you are likely to throw the baby out with the bathwater in a helter-skelter search for excitement? Yes, your relationship, job or home may seem a little lacklustre just now, but do not disregard them on a whim. In fact, for now, you would be wiser to avoid making any rash decisions until you feel somewhat calmer. Charging ahead like a bull in a china shop could see you damaging or losing something that is really good.
You have been through many major changes; be this in relationships, career, family life or location, which unsurprisingly left you feeling unsure and unsettled. Even now you may feel insecure about the future. You needn’t, all will be well.
Something is out of balance in your life right now, even if it’s not that obvious. Areas you might need to analyse are work, relationships or simply the place where you live. The time is right to rectify any imbalances.
Change is in the air, and with the right attitude you will find it very beneficial. This may point to a new job, home or relationship. Whichever, the change will be for the better and the start of a deeper journey of self-discovery.
Eight of Cups Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords
Discovering the truth, moving on, developing relationships, seeking the truth, knowing ‘them’, licentiousness.
Eight of Cups Love Tarot Card Description
Upright Meaning
Is your relationship working? I don’t mean is it perfect but do you want to spend your life with this person, do you fulfil each other, are you friends as well as lovers? If not you might need to consider what you are actually gaining from staying. If you seem to have hit a brick wall it might be time to lay your relationship to rest. It may be hard to finish your romance but at least you will both be free to move on. Don’t let fear of the unknown make you stay in an unsatisfactory relationship, be brave and make a break. Occasionally this card can point to an abusive relationship, hopefully this isn’t the case, but if it is, get out and stay out. If leaving is difficult don’t be shy about seeking professional help to escape, if you don’t leave it is only going to get worse and you deserve much, much better.
Reversed Meaning
If you are hanging back when it comes to moving forward you need to ask yourself why. It could be that you have only recently joined the ranks of single folk, if so give yourself time. But if you have been on your own for a while you need to address whatever is holding you back. Equally, it could be your partner who is stuck in the past, try to get them to realise this is harming your relationship. If you are staying in an unsatisfactory relationship because you are nervous about leaving, you could be making a big mistake.
It is possible you are lumbered with a lover who is unable or unwilling to commit so you may be wise to cut your losses. Alternatively, you and your partner could be too entwined in your own little world and risk becoming over dependent on each other. Try to develop some separate interests and celebrate your individuality.