Weekly Horoscopes 12th November 2018

Venus is very influential this week, forging as it does, a glorious link to Mars, but a potentially more challenging one to Uranus. Relationships can blossom or surprise, but clarity of communication is absolutely essential. Why? Well, Mercury and Neptune are in a confusing and potentially hazy right angle, which can see all sorts of distortion around shared information. Check key details where needed. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 12th November 2018 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While you may be feeling a dynamic boost from the presence of expansive Jupiter in your travel zone, you could also sense a more spiritual vibe developing this week, as feisty Mars moves into Pisces. Relationships can begin to show progress as well, even if it means making one or two changes. There may be something you need to let go of before things can really move along. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You could notice a change in the way people respond to you, especially in day-to-day life, such as at work or when going about your affairs. With lovely Venus turning direct, any confusion you have experienced can be replaced by deeper understanding. Your social life can also sparkle, as a lively influence encourages you to be more proactive in this regard and relish good company.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The shifts and changes taking place this week can give a different emphasis to key aspects of your life. Midweek can be a good time to explore fresh opportunities, especially those that encourage you to use your unique skills. Expressive Mercury your guide planet, will turn retrograde in your sector of relating, perhaps bringing an old friend back into your life Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You can benefit from positive Jupiter regarding your work, as it can give you the confidence to aim higher. It might encourage you to eat more calorific goodies, mind. If you're keen to keep trim, this may be something to watch for. Your desire for fresh opportunities and for travel experiences can ramp-up for some weeks, inspiring you to book a special trip Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you and another have seemed to clash recently or there has been a misunderstanding, then Venus's forward motion from today can coincide with healing discussions. An opportunity to talk things over can resolve matters. Even so, your Solar Horoscope suggests that with inquisitive Mercury rewinding in your leisure and romance zone, an old flame could show up. A hobby might also regain its appeal.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your focus on key relationships can be emphasized over coming weeks, stirring up feelings and perhaps enabling you to see certain bonds in a new light. This fresh perspective could alert you to areas that need to change. Messenger Mercury your guide, will rewind in your home zone, making the coming weeks an opportunity for de-cluttering and getting organized Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Feisty Mars angles towards the scintillating energies of Uranus midweek, which can coincide with a sparkling encounter. It might be out of the blue, but could captivate you. Furthermore, with Venus your ruling planet, forging ahead in your sign this week, you may be ready to make some relationship decisions. Whatever your instincts have been telling you could be confirmed.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With sweet Venus pushing forward from this week in a more secluded sector, it may be time to show yourself some kindness. If you have stretched out a hand to others, now can be your perfect opportunity to do something nice for yourself Scorpio. Mind, deal-maker Mercury will be rewinding in your money zone, so for the next three weeks be more vigilant with cards and cash.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Confidence and renewed buoyancy can see you ready to push ahead with plans, even if you had been reluctant previously. Your enthusiasm can get them off to a good start too. Fiery Mars will also move into your home zone for a stay of six weeks, which can put you in the frame of mind to finish overdue tasks. With Mercury also rewinding, there can be potential for delays.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you have found it difficult to make progress with key goals then take heart Capricorn, as things can improve from this week. With diplomatic Venus turning direct in your sector of ambition, it can be easier to gain the attention of the right people. The movement of Mars into your communication zone can also signal a time of enhanced opportunity and interaction.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may find your popularity begins to grow as jovial Jupiter moves further into your social sector. This can also extend to social media and online groups too. Sweet Venus pushes ahead, giving you a chance to try for an opportunity again. Even so, thoughtful Mercury will rewind for about three weeks, and it is this influence that can bring people from the past back into your life.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With tactful Venus pushing forward in a sensitive zone, this can be an opportune time to let go of any feelings that may be preventing a relationship from moving forward. You may reach a point where dropping an issue is easier than letting it continue. Courageous Mars will move into your sign too, enhancing vitality and inspiring you to get moving on personal plans.