This week's Halloween or All Hallows' Eve Horoscope celebrates Cross Quarter Day, the date in the calendar which is the midpoint between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice. But this was based on the traditional Julian Calendar not the Gregorian Calendar we use now. So the true point is around the 7th November. Still, Venus opposes Uranus all week, so sparks and surprises can occur around relationship matters. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 29th October 2018 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Matters that may have seemed intense last week may be less so this week, and can even be replaced by a feeling of relief and a desire to put certain issues behind you. Regarding key relationships though, Venus in her retro phase and her tie to edgy Uranus, can alert you to the real cost of a relationship. Decisions may need to be made, but talking this over first can help Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
In many ways you are edging forwards Taurus, but boosting your energy levels and streamlining daily activities could assist you further. If you have felt overwhelmed, it may be because you have said yes when you really felt like saying no. Being honest about what you want and don't want can be very liberating, and might impact other areas of your life in a positive and freeing way.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The early part of the week can see an opportunity bringing a smile to your face, and even though it may be early days, you can feel quite hopeful. Talking to the right people might help you make it your own if it feels right to continue. As the week moves along, you could become more objective regarding a romance, with key insights giving food for thought concerning your plans.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Don't be afraid to ask for what you want as you might just get it, and perhaps a lot more besides. It's worth being bold at the start of the week as new doors can open. The Quarter Moon in your money zone midweek though, can be a call to check the costs regarding an outing as there may be a way to get a better deal if you research further. Enjoy some self-care and pampering too.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You might truly relish a friendly get-together, as it may reunite you with people you haven't seen in a while and bring options for reconnecting in the future. If you have been busy with family matters, then the idea of indulging in fun and leisurely activities could offer a pleasant respite. Learning a new hobby, going to a concert or visiting an exhibition, could all boost your spirits.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you are keen to get your message out to the world, the start of the week can be a good time, as a positive blend of energies might ensure it reaches all those who are meant to receive it. Plus, Mercury your ruler moves into your home zone, inspiring you to widen your mental horizons and try other activities. You may make new friends or discover you have an entrepreneurial side.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may get the bargain you have been seeking at the start of the week, or find an item that you have searched for, for some while. The key to getting what you desire is to follow any intuitive nudges. Luscious Venus your guide planet will re-enter your sign midweek, encouraging you to put yourself first. You very often do the opposite, so this nurturing act can be very healing.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you need to put a proposal to someone, the early part of the week can be the best time, as they are more likely to consider it in a positive light. Persuasive Mercury then enters your money zone, inspiring you to read reviews and do price comparisons to get the very best purchasing experience possible. Need to recharge? Reflection and spiritual pursuits could be helpful here.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Having to make a choice when both options offer something positive can be awkward, but help may show up in the form of a sign or coincidence that encourages you to choose one over the other. Listening to your instincts can help settle this too. As diplomatic Venus moves back into your social zone Sagittarius, don't feel guilty for dropping those connections that don't really work for you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Quarter Moon midweek, can incline you to hold back from sharing something with friends, especially if it is a personal matter. If you would feel more comfortable keeping it to yourself, do so. While your social life will continue to sparkle over coming weeks, the emphasis will shift to a spiritual sector, encouraging you to let go of limits and live to your full potential Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Sometimes ideas and opportunities turn up at just the right time, and this could be the case at the start of the week, when an offer could be just what you were hoping for. It might only be a step towards a bigger goal, but one that is worth considering. As Venus opposes restless Uranus though, you may need to experiment to find the right work/life balance for your wellbeing.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Something you have studied over the past year could be very useful if you want to make a career move, start or upgrade a business or attend to more personal ambitions. The effort you have put in could be rewarded as your Solar Horoscope suggests someone may be looking for exactly what you are offering. As Venus glides back into a sensitive zone, letting go of a lingering issue could leave you feeling relieved.