Two very enlivening planetary aspects light up the start of this week, and can create an extra spark of energy for us all and especially around relationships and social interaction. Mind, the Quarter Moon mid-week does suggest that around friendships and group situations, there could be a little bit of jealousy or possesiveness to the fore. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 5th February 2018 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your friendship sector is abuzz with activity this week, but there could be a little bit of politics floating around with someone potentially jealous of your popularity. You continue to be very motivated to improve your lot around business and finance too. Around relationships, this is definitely a time to take the initiative, and even doing something off-the-cuff could work out well. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your relationship sector comes under pressure with the Quarter Moon. But really it's just asking you to be mindful about how other people view you. If you are the ultimate diplomat, this is unlikely to be an issue at all. If you're more attuned to your needs, someone may give you a gentle reminder to focus on theirs. One partnership can though, go from strength to strength Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The sky is really encouraging you to widen your horizons. Even if you're a home loving Twin, a change of scene or a shakeup of routine could prove really cathartic. With Venus also forging a delicious link to Uranus for much of this week and your ruler Mercury lifted by Mars, this is not a time for you to sit back and wait for life to come to you. Get on the front foot and see what it brings.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Jupiter and Pluto continue to combine powerfully, and do so broadly through to the end of the month. This gives you a fantastic opportunity to show your passion around something that really means a lot to you. It could be a creative strand, an interest or around someone who is captivating you. Speaking of which, there could be someone at work you find utterly fascinating Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although your inner planets are glowing positivity around your relationship prospects, the Quarter Moon in Scorpio still asks you to be tuned in at a sensitive level, as someone may have an issue going on which is not obvious. In an existing relationship, two major influences ask you to step outside your comfort zone, and to look for ways to reinvigorate what may have become too routine.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There is a more practical dimension to your Solar Horoscope at present, but it is one that does come to a close at the end of this week when Venus moves into your opposite sign, and your sector of relationships. Still, with Jupiter and Pluto in an awesome angle, your personal expression can still be potent and persuasive. A surprise job offer can also come up as if from nowhere Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This week's Quarter Moon does ask you to temper being overly generous to anyone you're close to. The main thing here is to feel that whatever you're doing is the right thing and comfortable for you. Mind, this is not to say you can't flourish this week, because you most certainly can, and especially if you're prepared to be utterly flexible and open minded, which you often are.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
This week's Quarter Moon in your zodiac sign, can find you more sensitive about how people perceive or relate to you. But then with Jupiter in your sign forging a quite transforming angle to the powerful Pluto, this may be a time to hold onto your hat and accept that some things are changing, and the ultimate outcome may not be clear, but is likely to be like a breath of fresh air.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You have a fantastic appetite for exploring, and understanding different ideas, philosophies and cultures. In the first two days of this week see this as a strength. Furthermore, this can also see some extremely lively, bright and potentially flirty exchanges too. However, as the week draws to a close, some quieter time may appeal, or you may also look to improve home comfort.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
One organisation or collaboration that you're involved with at the moment, is likely proving to be gripping. This can see you excited about the future, and especially if firmer foundations are being laid this week from some of the foresight you are already showing. Don't let any naysayers put you off, and be assured by the week's end, one conversation can be particularly reassuring.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The stars are sparkling in your direction Aquarius, but there may be someone who finds it a little more difficult to handle the fact that you're taking such a leading role. Just accept that you can't please all of the people all the time. Those who really count are becoming aware of what you have to offer, and some kind of financial reward can emerge for you as this week draws to a close.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Venus arrives in your sign as this week draws to a close, and this is a planet that is particularly enlivened by its transit through the sign of Pisces, and something to look forward to. This expansive agenda that has been in motion all of this month for you, does continue this week, but may just be slightly muted, but this is all preparing the way for a much brighter time ahead for you.