The Sun and Mercury powerfully conjoin this week, first in Gemini and then as they enter into Cancer. Communications can flow, and some moments of ingenuity too. However, equally, it will be important not to jump to any hasty conclusions about more personal issues, so we need to avoid making assumptions. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 19th June 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This week will start off at a rattlingly quick rate, and you may have to hold onto your proverbial hat. However, a change of emphasis is going to see you wanting to get some breathing space and capture your thoughts. In fact, the next month can be quite an important time for home, family and {copytag:[601]:copytag}emotional issues. Pleasingly, your finances can also take a significant step forwards.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It's not always easy to move on from what we are familiar and comfortable with. But your ruler Venus gives you a wonderful opportunity to do this in a really constructive way this week, and in its angle with Pluto this suggests that someone you're getting to know better can have quite an impact on you, or conversation and understanding can increase with someone you already know.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Plans that you've been working hard on over the last month can start to show signs of fruition. In fact, this week's New Moon in your sign of resources suggests that there can be some tangible progress. Getting all the foundations in your world firm and secure is going to be a theme in the weeks to come. Your appreciation of good food and wine are also boosted now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Sun and Mercury jointly make their way into your zodiac sign and are also augmented by a wonderful New Moon. If ever there was a chance to reinvigorate your situation, this is certainly it. This could be around how you think, dress or what you choose to initiate. Any new beginnings now can create a tremendous amount of excitement in your situation, and in love too.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Someone influential is set to become more aware of what you have to offer. All the networking that you've done in the last month has given you a great deal of insight. Not everybody you've encountered is necessarily going to be part of your future, but equally you're clearer about those that can be. If you find yourself needing a little bit more "you time", take it. Don't feel guilty.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Some exciting conversations are possible around your career early in the week. This may even include an interview or presentation that goes well. Some kind of transformation is possible in a positive sense, with someone that you're drawn to. This may be romantic, but equally it could be a good friendship. Your social sector is also set to be rejuvenated in the next month.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You can be in sparkling form as this week unfolds, and your curiosity and desire for new experiences could see you thinking about your fundamental role in life. This can be around where you work, live and interact in your community. One thing is for sure Libra, you're going to want to make a much firmer impact on the consciousness of those you encounter from here on in.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
There's a stunning alliance between Venus the planet of love in your sector of relating, and your modern ruler Pluto in your sector of communication. Don't be surprised if you find an existing link becoming even more vivid and important to you, or you encounter somebody new and intriguing. In fact, anyone you encounter who is different can seem all the more interesting.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the North Node, your point of destiny, continuing to sparkle with Uranus the planet of surprises, it can be you who brings a sense of excitement to those who encounter you. A conversation early this week can see you enjoy a real meeting of minds. But a much more passionate phase of the year kicks in too, one which can see you tap into hidden depths and reserves.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You could have a Eureka moment in the early part of this week which helps you to unlock the solution to a practical issue, and you can be delighted at your ingenuity. The main focus however, is definitely going to be your relationships. A person could enter your world who turns out to be a real treasure, but equally all sorts of relationships can enter a new, brighter phase.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your idiosyncratic way of looking at life can hold you in good stead, people appreciate your quick wit and how you embrace different types of situations. But there's a switch of emphasis, one which asks you to grapple with some nitty gritty issues in your situation. This may not initially sound very sexy, but the chance to get more organised or fitter will have its upsides.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Conversation that you enjoy from the middle of this week can prove to be almost fated. The connection you achieve can be very deep. However, some lighter more frivolous and frothy vibes also emerge, and these are going to be ones you absolutely relish. The next four weeks can be a time of wonderful and delightful interactions with others, and some very affectionate ones too.