The Sun battles with Pluto, and this brings to a head the clash of the Cardinal Signs of Aries and Capricorn which has been on-going through the dust up between Uranus (Aries) and Pluto which has dominated in recent years. Still, this can also push us to liberate ourselves from a situation that simply isn't working. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 4th April 2016 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes 4th April 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This can be one of the most dynamic weeks of the whole year. There is a New Moon in your zodiac sign, Venus arrives in Aries too, and any new beginnings that you've already embarked upon can gain greater traction. However with Pluto playing tough guy you cannot expect all your hopes to evolve without some challenges, and especially from those in authority.
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Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Mercury arrives in your zodiac sign midweek, a key time because your ruler Venus is also on the move. All this can create a change of emphasis. In some ways, you may find yourself on the front foot, yet there may still be issues that relate to relationships or more personal matters that can have a tendency to erupt to the surface, whether you choose this or not.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A repetitive pattern has punctuated the heavens over the last three or four years. For you this has very much been about balancing your need to be independent and free against enjoying the benefits of any close involvements. Finances too may have been under scrutiny. All this comes up to the boil again in your horoscope Gemini, but this time it may be make or break.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Life can often be a case of who as much as what we know, but this can be a time when you meet new people who can be equally influential in your future, as much as those players from your past. Your worldly sphere absolutely sizzles with electric energy. Things may change, things may feel in a state of flux but if you're open to it, opportunities can burgeon.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Venus moves from the most deeply passionate part of your horoscope into a more freedom loving area. If you have felt that relationships have become rather too predictable, this can be the week when you seize the initiative and shake things up. In fact, change in general is very much in the works, and some old patterns and structures could start to fade away.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As much as someone has been proving intriguing, your instinct now is to find out what their true motivations are. With your ruler Mercury relocating into your sector of truth, you are unlikely to be easily put off and will want to know exactly where you stand. In business, your creativity needs to be melded with a more worldly application of your ideas and talents.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A close tie that's been off and on can continue to exasperate or delight in equal measure Libra, though this does really depend on your unique circumstances. Your relationship sector may see you craving some extra excitement, but this shouldn't be at the expense of a sense of security and serenity as far as your deeper emotional needs are concerned.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Conversations may have something of an edge, and especially from mid week, but if you are open to what others have to say, even the most challenging ones can prove instructive. In fact, with the help of Mercury, the more you can be detached about what people say, the more you can absorb their true message and meaning in the way that is really intended.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The move of Venus midweek into the most glorious area of your horoscope can enhance your sex appeal, but also add significantly to the sparkle of your personality. Other people can be attracted strongly to you this week on the back of the New Moon too. If you are in the mood to party, a more rebellious side of your nature may see you keen to do exactly this.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The tiny but powerful Pluto, continuing in your zodiac sign, continues to have an awesome impact on us all. For you, this week he clashes with the roar of the Sun in Aries. This suggests there may be some politics around home or family issues, but Mercury encourages you along with Venus to introduce a lighter and more protective vibe to proceedings wherever possible.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
When you feel you are right, and especially over points of principle, you can be an outspoken opponent. However, this is a week where you should not rush to judgement. Wow people with the quality of your ideas and your charismatic personality, rather than browbeat them with any sense of injustice that you may perceive. Remain conscious of not overreacting.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With Venus gliding into your 2nd Solar House, your financial fortunes can be revived. However, there could be an element of impulsiveness in your spending decisions due to the influence of Uranus on the Aries New Moon, and the stealthy but potent vibe of its angle to Pluto which urges you not to go against your principles in the dash for cash or material gains.