Welcome to the new week and month. And this is going to be a very intense time, and relationships need handling with great care. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 1st February 2016 please see below…
Weekly Horoscope 1st February 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Uranus, the rebellious influence that's occupied your sign for some time, clashes harshly with Mercury, Pluto and Venus, in turn. Try to stay mindful of any tendency on your part to use a might is right approach. However, you may have to stand up to somebody who tries to employ these tactics themselves. Someone's charm can also disguise an ulterior motive {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Either you can be incredibly persuasive this week or you may encounter someone who tries to be so towards you. However, the sudden restless desire to make changes in your situation or being pressed to do so, should be resisted. What you can do however, is be guided, even around big life decisions, by your sixth sense. It is unlikely to fail you, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you can really focus on the detail of a financial opportunity, you could make some important strides forwards. But this is unlikely to happen without you showing the necessary flexibility and even dexterity, to both go with the flow yet remain resolutely single minded about what your ultimate goal is. A travel opportunity can however emerge unexpectedly.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your relationship sector has been very intense this year. This week it becomes something of a furnace. This is because Venus, the planet of relating, combines along with Mercury the planet of communication and Pluto, that of transformation. All three angle sharply to the erratic Uranus. It's possible you may have a powerful attraction or endure a clash of wills.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Someone may ask you to do something this week, and they may be jolly complimentary in terms of cultivating your goodwill. But if they are, don't let flattery kid you into doing something sacrificing on your part, which actually is better for them than you. Your love life could be about to be galvanised by someone very different or who is rather challenging.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may find yourself being especially passionate, perhaps about your talents, flair and artistry or conversely around your love life. Yet this week has a split dimension, one that could draw you towards someone who could be very good for you, whilst another towards someone who though incredibly alluring, may have little intention of a long-term involvement.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The push and pull that's been going on within yourself or with those closest to you around the very foundations of your existence, or changes you want to make to where you live or as I have said before who with, reaches a peak. If there's a romantic factor threaded through this, this week's Quarter Moon can push you to respond to your inner needs, in this regard.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The waxing lunation in your sign at the start of this week, suggests you ensure that what you aspire to this week is actually truly good for you at a more emotional level. Yet if you do have a conversation with anyone, you're likely to express yourself in a way which will leave them in little doubt of how strongly you feel. You will refuse to let your passions be unheard.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
We all know that talk can be cheap. Bear this in mind right from the start of this week, as someone's chat could end up being as empty and vacuous as is possible. It's important that you're sincere in what you say. A more sensual side of your nature can also be to the fore, but the trick is going to be making the right decisions about who you share this with.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Three planets gather potently in your sign. In astrology this is known as a stellium. Your values of dependability, ambition and orthodoxy can all be boosted. With Mars feeding into the mix, those you connect with that understand where you come from can be enormously impressed by you. Ironically, others can be completely put off. There is little middle ground.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
There is rather a political edge to your solar horoscope this week, Aquarius. If you are prepared to operate within accepted boundaries, your natural discretion, loyalty and ability to take responsibility can win you plaudits. If by contrast your instincts bring out your more rebellious side, a firestorm of criticism could erupt to the surface unexpectedly.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
What is morality? For the rules of my country may not be the same rules for your country or State. Does that make you a bad person if you operate to a personal code, which is rather individualistic and steps outside of these parameters? This week you may find that your values clash with those that are enshrined in the rulebook or from others in general.