Horoscopes November 2018

November is absolutely jam packed with astrological developments. Perhaps most notably, Jupiter returns to his home zodiac sign of Sagittarius, for the first time in twelve years. This can spark optimism, but with Mercury in retrograde in the same location, and tangling with the deceptive vibes of Neptune in Pisces, clarity may come at a premium. The Full Moon of the 23rd also sees a right angle to Mars in Pisces, so double checking facts and figures is key this month, and it will best to avoid promising more than we can realistically deliver. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes November 2018 please see below…

Monthly Horoscopes for November 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The big news this month, is the return of Uranus to your sign on the 7th Aries, and its broad opposition to Venus the planet of loving, all month. Especially until Venus goes forwards on the 16th, romance can prove to be a little unpredictable. Jupiter also moves on the 9th, and into a superb location for you. However, travel plans and agreements can get bogged down in the last week.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The New Moon on the 7th combines superbly with the gentle beguiling energies of Neptune. If you're fortunate enough to be connecting to people or one special person, and where things just flow very smoothly, this can prove to be comforting. If not, some previously unspoken issues can surface. Your options around finances, business and property are boosted from the 9th.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you enjoy a degree of spontaneity around your social situation or even your love life, Uranus's opposition with Venus for much of this month, adds a spark. Furthermore, Jupiter the planet of good fortune, moves into your sector of relating for over a year's duration. This is a very positive portent. Yet Mercury's Retrograde from the 17th, suggests communications need care.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You can be very receptive to film, photography, performance, dance and music this month. In fact, anything which enables you to push out and be more daring is boosted from the 16th, as Mars arrives in Pisces through to the year's end. Balancing home and work considerations may prove more challenging, especially from the 17th with Mercury slamming on the brakes.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There are some big changes this month in your solar horoscope Leo, not least Uranus reversing back into Aries on the 7th, and Jupiter powering into your sister Fire Sign of Sagittarius on the 9th. All this in some ways could prove to be quite liberating, but this will certainly shake up the status quo. However, your love life could prove frustrating from the Full Moon of the 23rd onwards.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your word sector is boosted beautifully by the New Moon of the 7th, especially if you can embrace with this great sensitivity in your interactions with others. Your approach to finances however, could see you splash out spontaneously, and at times, uncharacteristically. Care will be needed around family discussions from the 17th, with Mercury's retrograde.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Venus, your ruler, is in retrograde in your sign through until the 16th. But she is also opposed by the stormy energies of Uranus for much of November. Even if you're someone with a supremely silky and diplomatic touch, you may find yourself being more outspoken. Jupiter is also encouraging you to find your voice, and will continue to do so for over a year now.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Little niggles which may have been less obvious, can start to come to the surface around some close relationships. Secrets could out, but whilst this could be challenging, in a strange way it could also prove to be liberating. Your financial prospects can be boosted from the 9th, but don't be too free and easy with resources in the last ten days of the month.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Jupiter, your wonderful ruler, returns to your sign for the first time in twelve years, on the 9th. This is your opportunity to commence a new period of growth and self-awareness. However, with Mercury tracking backwards in your sign from the 17th, and Mars clashing with your Sun in the last week, along with Neptune, stay clear about emotional considerations.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your friendship sector is given a fine boost on the 7th, and those people who share your love of discussion and ideas will particularly capture your imagination. The more spiritual side of your nature is going to be developing over the next year also. Yet something that has remained unsaid can spring into the open in the last ten days of November.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Mars is going to be with you until the 15th of this month, moving into your sector of everyday finances. In some ways this could be something of a relief Aquarius, and help you to convert all the hard work and buzzing ideas you have been generating into something more tangible between now and the end of 2018. Yet you should conserve resources when possible.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Venus ends its retrograde midmonth, but Mercury begins its own. This suggests that anything to do with relating is not necessarily going to go ultra-smoothly, and in your case, I think this can relate to your professional situation and work. This is not the best of times to engage in power struggles or battles of will with those in positions of authority. You are unlikely to win.