Uranus moves, mid month into Taurus, for the first time since 1942. However it does clash with Mars across four zodiac signs from the 7th to the 26th creating the potential for friction. A sparkling Taurus New Moon at the heart of the month also links well to Venus, the ruler of Taurus, so a bountiful second half of May is possible. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes May 2018 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes for May 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your ruler Mars spends a lot of this month in a tense square with Uranus. However, the really big news for you is that Uranus moves out of your sign for the first time since 2010, and into Taurus. This gives you a chance to be more imaginative in your approach to finances, but you must remain realistic too. However, one plan that has been delayed will go forwards from the 4th. {copytag:[889]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The restless spirit of Uranus returns to your sign for the first time since 1942. Because you are a fixed zodiac member, this is going to push you to revolutionize your approach to life, and be more flexible and free-flowing. Wonderfully, your ruler is in an excellent location to boost your finances and will be helped by the Sun from the 21st. A diet plan could come under pressure however.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You might find yourself trying to break away from any unsatisfactory friendships or group situations this month. Though Venus, the planet of love, is giving you the potential to be very diplomatic and caring, another side of your nature may want to escape the clutches of any situation which is no longer feeding you in a positive way. Energy and drive, will though rebound from the 21st.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You have some serious opportunities when it comes to networking with others, and to build up your affiliations and interactions. But it may not all be a completely straightforward process, insofar as Mars, the planet of drive, angles to Uranus the planet of change, across two locations this month which could see you steering your life in a completely fresh direction from the middle of May.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Venus is in a very social location of your solar horoscope for you for much of this month, and this can be important in how you progress your career opportunities. Why? Well, you're rarely short of charisma, but now you can use your personality power to even greater effect through work. But if you have been feeling restless, ironically it could be around your professional situation that things change.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The middle of this month sees a more experimental energy swooping into your situation, one which is going to last until early November. This is, if you like, something of a trial period because it could surprise you just how much liberty, freedom and travel appeal. If you're someone who is very routine orientated, this could be both exciting but also somewhat challenging for you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're travelling this month it can prove to be very enriching. A change of scene can actually be very good for you, because home life may seem claustrophobic or rather intense. With Mars moving mid-month, a different kind of emphasis can emerge though through to the 26th, and a close relationship may come under pressure, and especially if someone is rather possessive.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You're known as being the most passionate member of the zodiac, and this month three planets are going to be making their way through the most intense area of activity for you. Uranus, the planet of surprises, also moves into your sector of relationships. But you could find yourself much more sensitive about close ties from the 16th through to the 26th of May Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your sector of relating gets a welcome boost this month, with Venus the Sun and Mercury all making appearances in it. But there is a sense of restlessness that's threaded through much of May, as Mars squares with Uranus across four different zodiac signs. The chances are, some kind of change around your work or philosophies is possible by the month's end Sagittarius.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may see yourself as being, generally, a calm collected and thorough type of person and whilst this could be true, from the 7th through to the 16th there may be one situation or one person who proves to be rather more frustrating when it comes to your home life. With Uranus and Venus moving later this month, there can be some unexpected developments socially or romantically.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may feel somewhat on edge in week two, and something that's been boiling beneath the surface can burst into the open. Once Mars joins your sign midmonth, you'll feel more progressive. A sudden change of mind about where you live or how you live, is also possible in the second half of May. But the chance to enjoy yourself and have fun becomes more important as the days go by.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Long-term plans can remain fluid, and you may find yourself spinning plates when it comes to your finances. An issue from your past can come back into focus from mid-month, but the New Moon then can also see you doing better financially, with a potential win through a competition or prize draw. Your mind steps up a gear later in May, when you can dazzle people.