A very intense and complex Full Moon on the 2nd, can see fact stranger than fiction. It will be important to be very precise in what we say and do. However, the arrival of Mercury and Venus on the 6th and 7th respectively in the sign of Aries, this creates a much lighter vibe which is further boosted by the Sun's arrival on the 21st. Yet with Mercury backtracking from the 23rd, communications can get snared in the month's last week. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes March 2018 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes for March 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your thinking can be a little bit blurry at times this month, due to the role of the Full Moon in Virgo which opposes Neptune, the planet of dreams. Even if you feel that you've got the facts at your fingertips, they could turn out to be unreliable or simply wrong. Mind, you can sparkle into life from the 6th and 7th, and new beginnings are possible in love. Extra responsibilities arrive in the last week. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Your imagination can be awesome on the back of this month's Full Moon, but then it can also see you wondering about what you should do about a key relationship. This can be especially so from the 9th, when Jupiter goes into a retrograde. Give yourself some moments of reflection this month Taurus, and prepare yourself for some objections as the month comes to a close.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you have an idealised picture in your mind of how you'd like your work-life balance to be, you can find yourself grappling with it this month. Also, friends are likely to want you to join in the social whirl which can prove gratifying, and there could be somebody you encounter at an event who really intrigues you. Business affairs and long-term finances will though, need discipline in week five.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Widening your horizons can seem very appealing at the start of this month, but with Mars oppressing Mercury, you need to be sure that what you plan is workable. A lot more worldly interactions and responsibilities, but in a good way, can emerge for you from the 6th. Improved relationships with colleagues are possible too. Though in love, patience will be a virtue later in March Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You can be a very kindly and compassionate person, but if you do too much for others, especially around financial matters, you may start to resent it Leo. As this month goes on, the desire for greater spontaneity and a change of scene is going to step up considerably. If you do plan to travel, be aware that the Mercury retrograde in the last ten days, can create some glitches.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Your Solar Horoscope and The Full Moon in your sign on the 2nd, can see you very sensitive about a close relationship issue. If you find yourself on a course of action around this, it may be best to wait for the 18th, when Mars moves into a better location for you. You could enjoy some good financial fortune from the 6th through to the 16th, but if you have gains, use them carefully from the 23rd of March.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Someone may always seem to feel that you need to do more for them than they do for you. This month therefore, can be a tipping point and you have a marvellous opportunity from the 6th to assert your needs more clearly. Mind, Jupiter begins a retrograde and also Mercury later in the month, and money and the lines of communication with others, will need extra care Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Jupiter in your sign slams on the brakes on the 9th, but this needn't in itself be automatically negative, but just suggests that any project that you've been investing a lot of energy in, may slow down between now and early July. With Mars and Saturn combining in the last week of this month, if you're journeying anywhere, take delays in your stride and enjoy the sights.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may find yourself re-thinking some of your ideas this month, which needn't be a bad thing, not least because your social situation can take on a much brighter hue. Despite this, an event or date could get cancelled or rearranged in the last ten days. Your self-discipline around resources, can be really strong in the final days of March, and you can make some shrewd decisions.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Whether you're discussing something personal, planning a journey or making some changes at home, a great deal of care and attention to detail will be important this month. However, with Mars joining your sign on the 18th, you'll have a fabulous opportunity to push along the things that are important to you. Just expect some resistance or obstacles as March draws to an end.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A sparkle of ingenuity or your bubbly sense of fun, can light up the month from the 6th. Expect lots of vibrant exchanges. However, with Jupiter re-tracing his steps from the 9th, professional aspirations will require greater care. As Mars sweeps into Capricorn on the 18th, a past issue can come back to the fore, particularly in the last week of the month. Patience will be a virtue.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A fabulous alignment of planets in your sign as the month begins, gives you every opportunity to focus on your own needs, and in particular, to be very creative. However, someone you're close to may struggle to understand what you're trying to achieve, and it could require some tact to bring them on-side. Finances can improve in the last part of the month, but keep receipts if making purchases.