A wonderful link between Venus and Jupiter can make for an enchanting time, however with Mercury in retrograde there may also be some last minute changes of plan, or some crossed wires. Christmas Day can be soulful with the Moon in Scorpio, New Year's Eve bright and bubbly with the Moon in Aquarius. Through it all the Sun links to Mars and Neptune asking us to embrace the more traditional and compassionate meaning of this time. For your FREE Festive Horoscopes 2016 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces please see below.
Festive Horoscopes 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
There will be little lack of sparkle this Christmastime for you Aries, but on the big day itself, you may be surprised by a conversation which proves to be rather fascinating. Someone in your family circle or a close friend may share with you some information which really does give you something to think about, and especially about your long-term future. With Mercury combining with Pluto from the 14th to the 24th, as you prepare your New Year's resolutions for 2017, your role in life is going to be a big part of what you consider. Despite a time of sociability and merriment, your ambitions, goals and key aims can take on a really compelling life force. Fortunately to balance this, the beguiling energies of Venus are still going to see lots of possibilities around your friends and celebrating with them. You could take quite a lead in this and may even play host. Then again, don't be surprised if more than usual you spend time with those people from a different age group to you. An experienced perspective on life can be something that you really come to appreciate over this holiday, and the wisdom it confers.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You can find yourself hugely inquisitive this year, and have some really fantastic conversations with people that you encounter. Anyone you speak to who has travelled, especially widely, or embraced higher education can grab your interest more than most. All this energy could push you away from the things that in the past seemed so comfortable and familiar. Part of you could feel a little bit tentative with this, but even so, you may find it very hard to resist thinking of ways to bring new approaches to the festivities or for your plans for next year. A brilliant angle between Mars and the Sun can give you so much motivation to connect with others too. So whether you're partying or planning something more profound, there is a real sense of excitement around you. Some Bulls may even actively consider replacing a vehicle with something more up-to-date. Booking a holiday in advance for next year could also take precedence in-between getting together with others. This can be a time when you find that your whole outlook on life can go through something of a revision, but there is space to be joyful too.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Surprise encounters can make this one of the most interesting of Christmas times you’ve had for some while. Of course we all have our plans and we all have our expectations, but you may find that what actually unfolds this year, although changed, can be what's really good about it. Your connections with others, be they free and easy and fun or much more serious and involved, are going to be very much to the fore. And with your ruling planet going into reverse motion for the fourth time this year, which is very rare, business and joint finances could be part of the mix that you grapple with. A more ambitious side of your nature can emerge from this, but that doesn't mean to say that you won't want to work co-operatively with others, because you can, and it may actually be in situations where you're helping someone that you gain greater satisfaction from the holiday. Your plans for next year need to see you investing even more time, energy and personal resources into your creative talents. You can also bring a more inspired approach to how you dress, which could influence your choices in the sales!
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Christmas Day sees the Moon in the most affectionate and warm-hearted of locations. We all want to be with the people that matter most, but what is going to count beyond this will be enjoying truly significant connections with those that count. However, the stars are emphasising that it's important to stay tuned to how others see situations, and this may not always be the same as you would like or expect. The more flexible and sensitive you are in response, the more it will be appreciated. It's almost as if close relationships can be the greatest area of reward, but also the one which could have the most potential for misunderstandings. Mercury is going to be part of this in its rewind from the 19th, but it is its combination with Pluto, through to the 24th, which is really significant, and this asks us all to avoid the trap of thinking our personal way of looking at life is the one that works for everyone. Delightfully however, there is plenty to suggest that your connections with others can be uplifting, profound and progressive. Some Cancer folk may even find themselves travelling with one special person.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Jupiter is imbibing you with a wonderful enthusiasm, and as much as you can often light up rooms with your presence, this year your personal charisma is just that little bit more supercharged. The ideas you have, whether it be how to maximise the entertainment level in any kind of gathering or more practical strands that are emerging for next year, can receive a very welcome response from those you encounter. For solo Lions, with Venus strutting her stuff in your sector of relating, there can be lots of potential to flirt or even make a more sincere connection. Now, you often apply a huge amount of planning to this time of year, and very rarely come up short, but with Mercury retracing his steps in a tricky area, little details may not go exactly to plan. The trick is going to be in not getting too caught up in this or be too self critical if perfection is not quite achieved. Instead look to chill out, enjoy the things that do go well and most of all, relish time spent with those who matter most. As Christmas makes way for the New Year celebrations, many of us will be thinking about how we can be more virtuous, but you can mean it!
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
There's a particularly playful emphasis to this year's festivities for you, Virgo. Whether it's joining in with the traditional party games, enjoying unlocking the mystery of a new gift or planning your strategy for the year ahead, you'll likely see that a lightness of spirit can propel you forwards the best. The key to progress is the role of Mars, which occupies your sector of relating throughout Yule. This is just going to give you more appetite to interact with people, and if you are faced with someone that you don't know very well or perhaps have never met before, you can more readily enjoy the moment and feel able to be at your very best. Mars also forges a delicious link with the Sun, and if you are fortunate enough to have a special friend or partner, it can be what you achieve together that proves just as satisfying as what you do alone. It is true that your ruling planet is going to be rewinding from the 19th however, but we just all need to be prepared to be flexible. Plans can be fluid and the best thing is to not take it too personally if there are last minute changes of schedules which affect us.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Family, home and emotional considerations have been really quite intense at times over the last few years, and in truth Libra, there could be some more of this, this year. So, take a breath for you may need to make allowances for those closest to you who are perhaps not quite as attentive and sincere to your needs as you are to theirs, but if you can get beyond this a glorious Christmas time is in prospect for you. Why? Well, Jupiter in your sign is forging a fantastic link to Saturn and also Uranus, and this is going to create quite a spark which can see some interesting conversations, but also help you to enjoy the moment for what it is. With your ruler Venus sparkling in the most majestic part of your solar horoscope, your personality power is going to be turned up to full and few people are going to be able to resist your charm, good grace and dazzling wit. And there can also be some more practical developments in the background which can be very pleasing. These may include a change or improvement of residence, or feeling stronger and more fortified around work issues and your health and welfare.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It really can be a case of the more the merrier for you this year, and new friends and old can enliven the occasion splendidly. Your conversations can also not only be fun and engaging, they can be meaningful too. You may find that you have greater interaction with your neighbours, and there could be one person close by, and even if you know them already, that you can enjoy socialising or going out with even more. This is of course a time of the year when we all think very carefully about what the future holds, but this can take on a more profound significance for you, because the planet of thought Mercury combines with your modern ruler of Pluto. It's possible that some of your ongoing longer term plans can actually lose a little bit of sparkle, and you may find yourself moving towards newer hopes and aspirations. If this happens, try to be philosophical about it, for whatever you do regarding your New Year's resolutions, they need to be ones that can give you the opportunity to express yourself more fully, even if that may mean heading in a totally brand-new direction.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Eat, drink and make merry! This is often the mantra at this time of year, but it's going to take on special resonance for you this time, for as the restrictive energies of Saturn have made their way through your zodiac sign in the last two years, your responsibilities or life's limitations have probably been more to the fore. Gloriously, now you can start to make more sense of what this has all meant. And the things that you continue to hold dear and work patiently towards, can shape up really well. There is also something of a random feature to this year's festivities, which can appeal to that side of you which is very much a free spirit and likes to be spontaneous. Christmas Day itself, can be surprisingly sentimental. We can all raise a glass to those we are not able to be with, but this can be more poignant for you. However, there is so much to look forward to next year, and although you may need to marshal your resources astutely through the holiday period, your creativity is going to be high, and some brilliant ideas can be buzzing around your mind ready for 2017.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The more traditional features of Christmas make way for the more enjoyable ones, and especially the caloric goodies which often dominate at this time of year. You can also come to the centre of the action and this can see you take a leading role, Capricorn. This could include you being quite single-minded about some elements of the holiday, but keeping the lines of communication open will be especially important, due to Mercury going into a retrograde. This, as usual, can create the potential for mix-ups, misunderstandings and delays, so some patience may be needed with someone who has got their own ideas of how things should be. With the restless Uranus being opposed by the optimistic energies of Jupiter, bridging the generation gap might be one factor, or you may find yourself wanting more space from the demands that often come your way at this time of year. Christmas day itself can be very, very sociable and upbeat, and as you prepare for the New Year, being more active can be attractive, so a walk in nature could be something that you plan with a good friend or loved ones.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A fabulous mid-month Full Moon suggests this is going to be one of the liveliest and sparkliest Christmastime’s for you for some time. But you probably are not going to have a hugely high attention span, so seek out your most exciting companions and be determined to add a novel, and sometimes unique flavour to your celebration. This is certainly not a time to follow the crowd Aquarius, and doing something a little different will give you a great deal of satisfaction. Your feelings will be close to the surface on Christmas Day however, but with Venus lighting up your personality sector magnificently, others will be glad to spend any time with you. After this, you may enjoy a time of greater seclusion, rest and recuperation. But even if you would prefer some moments in solitude, others can be keen for you to join in. A book that you are reading, perhaps even given as a gift, can prove to be especially profound. This can help you to make sense of a difficult issue from your past, and cleanse you ready for the new beginning that is 2017. Your mind will certainly be fertile with possibilities, as the year comes to a close.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your physical vitality can be much higher than is usual at this time of year, and getting together with significant others in your world can be something that you instigate from this. You can find yourself with a real buzz of anticipation, not just for the holiday itself, but for your wider hopes, which can shape up really well over the holiday itself. Professional hopes can be part of this, and if you have slogged away over the last couple of years and wondered when your rewards would come, evidence can start to emerge. Yet, one friend may prove a little bit scatty around arrangements and you may need to make allowances for this. A social event can also be changed at the last moment unexpectedly. But inspiration is going to be plentiful, and others can very much want to be in your "gang". What can surprise you however, is that from a more romantic viewpoint, your thoughts can turn to someone from your past who you may have felt would never re-emerge in your situation. This could be triggered by a lovely Christmas card or thoughtful text, but if so you may want to keep this close to your chest to begin with.