An inspirational New Moon on the 4th, angling as it does to the planet of dreams Neptune, really does provide the backdrop for this month, and this can bring out the most compassionate side of ourselves. From mid-month, however, things become much more playful and social for us all. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes July 2016 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes July 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The first week of July can see you with some kind of conundrum to deal with. Your first instinct may be to proceed with the greatest compassion and care, but if you find that in order to please and look after the needs of others you are undermining your own needs, you may have to become much more assertive. From mid-month, things become much more social. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Conversation can be very intense in the first half of July, but equally could be riveting. Someone may really resonate with you in the first few days, and their self expression can prove compelling, and perhaps even persuasive. What can be less helpful later in the month is if you get involved in battles of will. Home, family and garden projects appeal more later on.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you are involved in charitable activities, a fundraiser early in July can be very successful. Romantically, someone could seriously attract you too. It could be at some kind of public gathering that you get talking and a great deal of magnetism can be exchanged. Points of view will need to be shared with a deft touch though, especially on the 19th's Full Moon.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You are in pole position to make an impact this month Cancer, and can dazzle people with the strength of your ideas and the power of your personality. The New Moon in your sign on the 4th can also boost your imagination hugely. You may decide to embark on a new hobby, interest, or exotic travel plan. Finances take a turn for the better in your horoscope on the 12th.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Something may come to light in the early parts of the month which require you to rethink very personal or sensitive matters. Once you've grappled with this and Venus and Mercury join with you on the 12th and the 14th, followed by the Sun on the 22nd, you can start to take a much firmer grip on things. And all sorts of new starts can light up your situation, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may find yourself thinking very carefully about your future plans and hopes. If you are ultra clear, July can be a month of real progress. If you are less sure, the points of views of others can see you think again about what you exactly want to do. And sociable though early weeks are, creating a more peaceful and therapeutic space later on, can become more important.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Someone influential can make you a very tempting offer as July begins. The trick is going to be in deciphering whether there are any strings attached to what they are proposing. Part of you can feel conflicted in the early parts of this month between your ambitions and what you want, to your own personal situation. Fortunately, the last half of July can be much more playful.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your words can have a tremendous impact upon someone you encounter as this month begins. So, if you have something to say which is really important to you, the chances are you can pick the right way to express this. Even so, it is going to be important to hear out what others have to say to you too. Career opportunities burgeon later in the month, with a key goal within reach.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Passion power sparks early in the month, but a battle of wills is possible too, especially if you feel that someone is being unfair over finances or money owed. If you are going on holiday from mid-month, you can be particularly receptive to new places, local culture or history. A new course or training programme can help open up your life from the 22nd, Sagittarius.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Relationships come powerfully to the heart of this month's possibilities. Single? You could find yourself smitten with someone new. In any ongoing tie, there could be a bit of a change between you and yours, and just subtly a new way of being together can unfold. Business, property and financial issues demand your attention more in the second half of July, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Politics are possible at work, but by developing a more virtuous lifestyle, you can help to ward off the potential for any stress. Romance can sparkle in the second half of the month, especially with your modern ruler Uranus creating some unexpected changes. Be flexible, because the course of true love may not run smoothly, or someone new can emerge for you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It really can be a lovely start to July for you Pisces as the Sun in the most expressive of areas followed by Mercury, angle brilliantly with your co-ruler, the dreamy and idealistic energies of Neptune. Let your imagination run wild, but also be conscious that this can be a new beginning for all sorts of fresh possibilities. Dare to believe your highest hopes can unfold.