March is dominated by the two Eclipses the Solar of the 9th in Pisces and the Lunar of the 23rd in Libra. These two work on a connected axis. Broadly for us all we need to retain a sense of perspective, but especially around our hopes, wishes and dreams. For your FREE Monthly Horoscopes March 2016 please see below…
Monthly Horoscopes March 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Self-belief is going to be the key to achieving your goals, and yet you may not feel quite as confident as usual over the weeks ahead. Even Mars, your ruler, in the adventurous Sagittarius may not be enough to fully motivate you. However, changes are afoot and the Sun in your sign from March 19th, will enable you to embrace the benefits that goes with them. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may have been aware of a need to guard your time, money and other resources jealously. However, this month you may be moved to take action should certain people seem to be taking you for granted. They may not like it if you are more assertive, but they are less likely to test you again. Friendships and contacts can still be key in the next six months.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Solar Eclipse at the top of your chart can cause you to feel unsettled around the area of work or even your direction in life. Therefore, you might want to postpone making firm decisions or promises to others until you have a better idea of your plans. You may find that a long-held aspiritation seems more attractive than a strategy that no longer holds any appeal.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The gulf between your handling your everyday responsibilities and desiring to move in a new direction may have caused quite a bit of frustration over recent weeks. This month this issue can come to a head pushing you to take that leap of faith. If you do, you may find it's your passport to a new sense of purpose and into those activities that you truly relish, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Mars in your leisure sector from the 6th will enhance creative pursuits and can see you more amorous too. However, if there's something that needs to be sorted out, such as a financial matter or an on-going relationship that needs to be resolved, then attend to such matters first. You may find it hard to truly make progress until you've fully cleared the decks.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may reach some important decisions this month of the kind that can have some powerful repercussions. Initially it may seem as though you are being pushed into making them, but deep down you might welcome these turning points. And although the weeks ahead could prove to be somewhat unsettled, the prospect of a new beginning can ignite your imagination.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're to accomplish all that you intend then certain activities that no longer serve you need to be let go of. However, paring down your to-do list might also eliminate a conflict of interests that could stall progress. Regarding relationship matters, the Lunar Eclipse on March 23rd, suggests you try to be honest about your feelings, even if it pains you to do so.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Have you held back from showcasing a talent or initiating a romance? If so, you could find you're pushed into making your move. The only drawback can be leaving your comfort zone. However, the lure of what is to come can help you move beyond your fears. The Solar Eclipse encourages a more active period, but don't ignore your emotional and psychological needs.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
It would be all too easy to blame others for any glitches this month. However, do take respsonsibity if you have let something fester in the background. Nevertheless, feistier influences can see you making waves regarding home issues, work and your social agenda. Indeed, it may be the only way to motivate certain people or gain their attention.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
To really seize any new opportunities you may be required to adopt a different attitude or mental approach in order to succeed. However, it may be a case of one step at a time until you begin to feel really confident of handling what is required of you. Even so, Saturn's retrograde could prompt you to let go of any deeper emotional baggage that you have been holding onto.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This month sees two very potent Eclipses which combine together to provide a backdrop for the next six months. This asks you to marshal your resources wisely and work on your self-esteem. However, the Lunar Eclipse can see you be more risk taking at a time when consolidation might be a wiser approach. Either way, try to strike a balance, Water Carrier.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The assertive energies of Mars power to the top of your solar horoscope on the 6th, giving you a powerful shot of motivational energy regarding your career and life goals. The Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 9th also pushes you to be more dynamic and go getting with regard to your individual talents. Just don't overlook details or practicalities, Pisces.