As lively Mercury forges an edgy angle to feisty Mars, we might be ready to defend our ideas and opinions.
In some situations this may be necessary. Even so, our tone might antagonise others further so it helps to consider the consequences first. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 8th January 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Tuesday 8th January 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Feel moved to take up an opportunity? If so, stay alert for adverts or offers. Information might show up in more than one place, perhaps by coincidence or through word of mouth, and be worth pursuing. You could though pit yourself against an authority figure, which might not help if you want advice or a solution. Need to stand your ground? You can and likely will. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A course or class can appeal if it leads to a qualification that is helpful in the future. And if you take this on, you could find it compelling. A good reason perhaps not to begrudge yourself this experience. The Moon's positive tie to expansive Jupiter, suggests that funds may be available in the form of a grant or other option that might help you accomplish a goal or ambition.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As jovial Jupiter angles towards Neptune, it helps to keep your wits about you to negotiate the best terms. Special care needs to be taken at this time, as there's a chance of a misunderstanding. Therefore, you'd be best to tackle any potential pitfalls early on, so you are prepared for all eventualities. Tough talking energies can assist you in making wise decisions though.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may feel motivated to connect with someone if it seems that you and another might benefit from pooling your skills and experience. A lunar tie today could plant a seed that inspires you to take this further. Regarding another matter though, there can be conflicting views concerning a goal or plan. If a compromise isn't possible, you may take matters into your own hands.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A social event can pave the way for an opportunity that seems too good to miss. If you're keen to take up a challenge or to explore new territory, then liaising with the right person may be the key. A positive encounter and engrossing conversation may provide you with information that sees you bursting with anticipation. Something is in the air, and it could be so good for you.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As expressive Mercury forges an awkward link with feisty Mars, this isn't the best time to negotiate or reach a compromise, as there may be too much at stake. Discussions can leave you irritated and perhaps determined not to give any leeway. Give it a few days though, and you may find that the situation has changed and that it is very possible to find a way around this.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As upbeat Jupiter edges closer to a right angle to dreamy Neptune, you could feel overwhelmed by all that needs to be done. It may help to get your priorities in order or delegate. One issue with this is that it can cause you to take on more than you can reasonably manage, and then feel guilty when you can't handle it. A definite time to under promise and over deliver.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Your horoscope may highlight a relationship that you may be keen to invest in. This budding friendship could be with someone who shares your values. While you are not in a rush or overly obsessed with this person, you could think very highly of them. It may be wise to lower your expectations though, as there is a chance they may not live up to them which could disappoint.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Putting some cash aside for emergencies may be a way to make provision for unexpected bills and can also leave you more in control. Present influences also encourage you to take a closer look at your finances, as you may spot a few ways to save, such as switching service providers or cutting back in general. Selling what you no longer need might help add to your coffers.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you get an intuitive hunch to reach out to someone, perhaps you shouldn't ignore it. A positive lunar tie involving lively Jupiter, suggests you may be motivated by an impulse to give someone a call or send a quick email. Sometimes acting on such fleeting feelings can bring heart-warming results. This gesture could benefit you too, even though you likely expect nothing back.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A reunion may be in prospect. A positive focus in your social sector suggests you may feel moved to reconnect with friends because it would be wonderful to see them again. If you have the opportunity, then do so. A conflicting link may be an issue though, if you are keen to resolve a sensitive matter. A certain person may be less resistant if you can wait a few days.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may wonder why you don't feel motivated to get to grips with a dream that might have been a bit of an obsession lately. The likelihood is that the ongoing Saturn/Neptune tie has taken the wind out of your sails. This aspect can be a call to rethink an idea and allow your imagination to come into play. If you have rigid expectations, look to relax as much as possible.