Horoscopes Thursday 15th November 2018

As dynamic Mars moves into dreamy Pisces for a stay of around six weeks we may find that energy levels are up and down. 

Our focus may also be more on creative and spiritual matters and perhaps less on worldly affairs. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 15th November 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 15th November 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As Mars your guide planet, moves into Pisces for a six week stay, your focus may turn inwards and be directed towards your thoughts and feelings, and to private matters. Unconscious patterns might also drive certain decisions, or past issues could need attention. In addition, today's Quarter Moon can urge you to acknowledge tender emotions rather than be tempted to brush them aside. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your social life gains extra sparkle from today, so you may find you are more proactive about networking and moving in new circles. You may also note that the best way to accomplish something is to work as part of a team, even if this means being a leader and organizer. Those more personal goals can be given a pleasant boost if you can allow others on board.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A potent lunar phase can coincide with a milestone regarding a goal or plan. Over the next day or so, consider if you are happy with the way things are moving along. If not, your horoscope suggests this is a good time to make a few adjustments before you proceed. You may have more responsibility to handle as feisty Mars enters your sector of ambition, causing you to reconsider your priorities.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may notice a desire developing to expand your range of activities or perhaps to travel, with this phase lasting for around six weeks. Your focus might also be naturally drawn to studies that can further your interests or even your career. Thinking of moving forward with a new venture? The lunation can see you harnessing powerful energies to bring your plan to life.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may sense the benefits of pooling resources to accomplish a joint goal. And you might also realize just how much you need others, and how much they need you in terms of offering and receiving emotional support. This can apply in a financial sense too. At the same time, the coming weeks can see you ready to face up to issues that may have held you back for too long.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If the past weeks and indeed months, have seen you busier than usual, then the focus may shift as energetic Mars enters the subtle sign of Pisces and your sector of relating. The coming six weeks or so, can be a call to spend time with others, especially those you are closest to. This is a chance to be more direct and to enjoy more socializing. A competitive streak can also be sparked.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A crucial lunar phase can inspire you to consider the cost of a planned outing, venture or creative project, and perhaps make a few adjustments either way depending on the money you have available. On another note, you may feel an urge to ramp-up your exercise routine, if only in a gentle way. Perhaps yoga or tai-chi can be a way to balance your system and enable flexibility.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Goal-orientated Mars your traditional guide planet, enters your leisure sector from today, and could see you tapping into your creative side and enjoying the chance to indulge a hobby or learn an artistic skill. It is also possible that a romantic bond can step up a notch, which might lead to a deepening of the relationship. A key lunation encourages you to trust your feelings regarding a current plan.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you have been thinking about making improvements to your home, then the coming six weeks or so can see you putting energy into enhancing the atmosphere by de-cluttering, decorating and other similar tasks. At the same time, deeper emotions may be stirred relating to family matters, and this can be an opportunity to gently process through them and begin to resolve.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With feisty Mars having been in your money zone for many months, bar a short regress in your sign, your finances may have been a topic that has been high on the agenda. Hopefully, over this time you have had a chance to resolve any ongoing issues. From today though Capricorn, this dynamic planet enters your communication zone, inspiring you to grasp golden opportunities.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may have made a lot of changes over recent months as potent Mars has inhabited your sign. From today it enters your money zone for a stay of six weeks, and can be a helpful influence for encouraging you to take a proactive stance regarding issues that need attention. On another note, a Quarter Moon in your sign suggests you carefully consider your next moves.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

After some time in which your focus may have been on inner change, the emphasis shifts from today, as courageous Mars enters your sign and kick starts a whole new phase of activity. If you had managed to clear the decks by releasing those situations and people that have served their purpose, this can be a time to welcome new developments and opportunities to enhance your existence.