Horoscopes Tuesday 13th November 2018

A positive tie between the Moon in Aquarius and jovial Jupiter can make this an upbeat day when exciting plans may be on the cards.

If we are going somewhere, then inviting friends or family along can make the outing so much more fun. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 13th November 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 13th November 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Since proactive Mars first entered your friendship zone some months back, you may have found great pleasure in making new friends and linking with kindred spirits. Over coming days though, feisty Mars makes an upbeat angle with electric Uranus, so anything can happen with this unpredictable influence. You may be keen to forge a bond with someone you encounter however. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With Venus your ruler slowing down in your lifestyle sector prior to turning direct in a few days, a look back at events over recent weeks can gift you with helpful insights. Have you been influenced by other people's ideas and perspectives, even if they don't really chime with you? It may be time to go with ways and methods you feel at home with, no matter what others might think.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you're keen to take a relationship to the next level, then you may need to make the transition from light-hearted to something deeper. Key influences encourage you to peel back the layers and reveal more of your true self. And yet doing so may be easier said than done Gemini. Certain strands may be engraved in your soul. Try with something less personal, and take it from there.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Stay cool if you can. A very excitable pairing between feisty Mars and unpredictable Uranus, could see you acting on impulse. However, as you can also be so sensitive, it will be important to think about the consequences of any reactions you may have. This also means not allowing frustrating circumstances to get to you, but staying calm and thinking things through.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You know you want to, but more sobering influences can prevent you from following your heart and allowing yourself a respite to let off steam. If you have felt under pressure and have worked hard to get everything done, then you deserve some time out. You might not be contented with a quiet stroll though. Your horoscope reveals that it has to be an activity that engages you and that is fresh and different.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Coming up with original ideas and finding ways to make them a reality in an organized and structured way, is something that you enjoy doing. However, a potent aspect involving the Sun in Scorpio, suggests putting some passion into your efforts. This can be the animating force that brings your artwork, craft or project to life, as it involves a powerful exchange of energy.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although you are generally known for your relaxed approach to life, you may feel rather more dynamic over coming days, and the prospect of a quiet time might not be to your liking. If someone offers to whisk you away somewhere you have never been to attempt activities you have never tried, you might jump at the chance. And you might want to do it again too.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A lunar tie to upbeat Jupiter, can inspire you to purchase something nice for the home Scorpio. As the Moon is also in Aquarius, you likely won't want anything that is run of the mill, but an item that reflects your unique tastes. You may be tempted to spend a lot for something special or a piece of art. However, something more affordable can appeal if you want a mood enhancer.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With energetic Mars in the last degrees of your communication sector linking to edgy Uranus, action can follow thought in the blink of an eye. Which is why it can be wise to settle before you make a move. Better still is to maintain a calm approach, as the chances are your thinking may be scattered and unordered. Exercise can release pent-up energy, helping you feel more at ease.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The urge to splurge could grow stronger over coming days, and it might be hard to resist the desire to shop. If this is the case, it can help to ask yourself some questions. What is at the root of this feeling? It is likely some form of dissatisfaction. However, go a little deeper and you might find that a massage or time spent with someone you can talk to is so much better.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You might be able to think of a hundred and one things you should be doing, and this can keep you from attending to those matters which may be quite urgent. If you can slow down a little and prioritize, it could help you make better choices. Better still can be grounding yourself by moving your body either through hearty exercise or perhaps a gentle walk in a soothing environment.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You can imagine that you need more than you do, especially as Mars in the last degrees of a private sector, could stir up a nest of desires. And as the red planet aligns with edgy Uranus in your money zone, there may be no end to the things you could wish for. Another way to see this, is that it's energy seeking an outlet. Channeling it into a major task could help it dissipate.