Harmonious Venus moved into the convivial sign of Libra yesterday where she is very much at home.
This sociable aspect can see us making more time for those we are closest to and perhaps forging new connections. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 1st November 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Thursday 1st November 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You now have an opportunity to rewrite those unspoken rules that often influence key bonds without us being consciously aware. Lovely Venus is rewinding in your sector of relating, and her presence can uncover hidden dimensions that could transform a relationship for the better. Act on any fruitful insights to enjoy a greater sense of harmony and co-operation. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The coming weeks can see you taking part in conversations that could have a profound effect on your mind. Upbeat encounters might encourage you to go deeper within yourself and change your perspective on important issues. It is also possible that some of your ideas could turn another's life around. There is also potential for healing an issue that has been ongoing.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Finding a renewed interest in a hobby or other activity, can be a source of joy and relaxation, and all the sweeter for connecting with it on a whim. You might get so much more out of it, if you join up with like-minded others though. You'll find support, the option to socialize, share experiences and perhaps a spark of romance. Your timing can be auspicious just now.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With harmonious Venus now reversing back through your domestic sector, you may look to create greater peace and tranquility in your world. If your home world tends to be exceptionally busy at times, finding a way to get some treasured personal time can be healing for you. If recent events have been demanding, don't begrudge yourself the chance to recharge and relax.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Everyday activities can seem more pleasant and agreeable with lovely Venus now in your sector of talk and thought again. As she is also in reverse, people you once knew could come back into your life, whether they are friends, work colleagues or perhaps a past love interest. Don't think any of this is simply a coincidence Leo, as the timing can mean things are meant to be.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Antiques or items with an interesting history can appeal over coming weeks, and could be the reason you feel drawn to find out more. You may relish the idea of purchasing something from a bygone era as an investment or just for the pleasure of owning it. Your horoscope hints that getting further involved could open a new world to you and might become a fascinating hobby for some time to come.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With delectable Venus, your ruler, now back into your sign for a few weeks, this can find you experimenting with your image and finding the best look for you. If you have undergone changes over recent months that have resulted in a shift in perspective or the taking up of a cause or values dear to your heart, then making a personal statement can affirm these new choices.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may develop more of an eye for a bargain with deal-maker Mercury now cruising through your money zone over coming weeks. An inquisitive streak could lead you to do some research on an item that you may have coveted for some time, and find a way to get it at a rock-bottom price. A wise investment could though change your destiny in a positive and powerful way.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Once positive Jupiter moves into your sign in a week's time, you'll want to be ready for the exciting opportunities that can come your way. Before this, there may be a matter to resolve and you might only become aware of it over coming days. Your first response may be to shy away, but if you can face up to it in a positive way, you may find you can handle it.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Mercury's move into a secluded sector, can see you preferring to keep your opinions to yourself. As it will remain here for some weeks, it is best not to encourage ambiguity but to say everything that needs to be said. Leave close ones in no doubt about your feelings or intentions, and they will know where they stand. Someone may also be keen to confide in you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As expansive Jupiter prepares to leave the worldly sector of your solar chart in a week's time and move into your friendship zone, you may become aware of a matter that demands your attention. It could even be an opportunity that can be lost if you don't action it. If you are decisive, someone may show up who can help you succeed in making the most of this.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon and its tie to feisty Mars in a secluded sector, can entice you to dive deep into experiences that speak to your soul. You may find that accepting an invite to go on a retreat or to learn meditation or yoga, could bring you a depth of inner quiet that you may have craved for some while. As the noise of your mind dies down, your intuition may be more clearly heard.