Horoscopes Monday 22nd October 2018

As thoughtful Mercury makes a harmonious angle to potent Pluto, conversations can be intense but in a way that is helpful and even healing.

Talking things over with another can lead to a decision that brings relief and the sense of an issue resolved. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 22nd October 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 22nd October 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Big ideas may require some action, and yet you could feel a tad rebellious and not inclined to handle anything too complex or demanding. Chances are, you might need to calm any edginess before you head into key discussions. Something invigorating and fun, such as a hearty walk or jog, could help you feel settled and able to deal with issues that need a delicate touch. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you want to join in with a team project, you may need to show someone you have serious intentions. They may be happy to have you on board if you're willing to persevere through initial challenges and learning curves. Can you though? If you do go ahead and can stick with your chosen path despite any initial difficulties, you could make a positive and lasting impression.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The coming days can be good for discussing personal issues or business matters, and for making relevant decisions. But before this, there may be another matter that needs resolving. And unless you can do so, it could be difficult to concentrate on the most important things. It might be something trivial such as a persistent thought, but you can feel calmer once you have quelled it.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You can influence others with charm or the right words, or both. Still, it likely won't be easy and you may have to prove yourself, as those you are dealing with probably won't take anything on trust. If you are hoping to negotiate, it would help to have important facts to hand and show commitment. Big opportunities may await you if you can keep your focus over coming days.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Something you read could inspire you to make changes to your lifestyle and wellness routines, and might be the reason you feel like turning over a new leaf. However, hot on the trail of such thoughts can be the issue of cost, and whether you can afford it. With health being the crucial factor though, how can you not afford to? Where there's a will there's usually a way.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You can move forward, whether this relates to a business venture, a creative idea or a budding romance, but it needs skill. Someone may need coaxing or persuading, and it is the way you go about this that can lead to success or disappointment. Regarding romance, knowing when to give a little push and when to back off can be crucial, and this might be the case with other plans too.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Whether shopping for your home or making family decisions, look to stay ahead of the game. Close ones might prefer it if you liaised with them first, but only so they can steer you in the direction they want you to go. You may need to stand your ground if you want your ideas to have an airing. Your horoscope reveals that your thoughtful approach can add much to any important discussions.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Someone could come up with an idea or revelation that challenges your relationship with them, even if only in a small way. Because of this, you may realize just how little you really know about them, which could be either intriguing or a tad unnerving. The coming weeks can see you gently drawing this person out, giving them the confidence to be more honest with you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Your dreams can seem so much more meaningful over coming weeks, bringing an opportunity to connect with aspects of yourself that could bring renewed energy and creativity into your life. If keeping a dream diary is something you're interested in, then it might prove an inspiration in so many ways. And any night reveries may encourage a deeper understanding of key strands.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You are unlikely to lack discipline, but with thoughtful Mercury angling towards relentless Pluto, you could try too hard to resolve something and end up over thinking it. If this involves a personal ambition or goal, then allowing yourself to be engaged by more relaxing activities can see answers showing up quickly. A visitor could even have the perfect suggestion.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There may be so much you want to accomplish, but having clear objectives and a sense of priority could help you to progress. With a powerful focus on your psychological sector, you could limit your potential because of past efforts that may not have worked out, causing a dip in confidence. You can begin to feel emboldened over coming days, and this can spur you on.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

All kinds of mysteries can call out to you, whether it is the thrill of visiting a new place and exploring its secrets or learning more about a subject you find intriguing. But perhaps the human heart holds an even deeper mystery if you are keen to understand someone better. Going on an outing or an adventure could be the turning point that brings you even closer together.