The presence of both sweet Venus and outgoing Jupiter in the sign of Scorpio can coincide with intense emotions.
While this might be an opportunity to resolve deep seated issues, we may find that talking about them to the right person can help us embrace and heal them. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 29th September 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 29th September 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A delightful aspect linking the Sun in Libra to the Moon in Gemini, can bring a harmonious and sociable ambiance to the day. This is not the time to be sitting behind a screen, but to get out and shine. And if you need to persuade anyone of anything, this can be easy too. Your words have special appeal and people may go out of their way to connect with your scintillating vibe. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A decision to revel in the spotlight can be a good one, as cosmic forces encourage you to show others what you are capable of. You may have talents that could make a difference in the world, and having the courage to express them can be the start of an exciting new phase for you. Even if you learn as you go, you can soon find yourself confident enough to take on bigger projects.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Some muddling influences could see you attending to issues and responsibilities that may not be necessary at all. Before you dive in and get cracking on tasks that might take up most of the day, make sure that they aren't already taken care of or are no longer needed. If you can banish these, that leaves time for other opportunities that are more fun and so much more inviting.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The secret that intrigues you may turn out to be a disappointment, and time spent looking for meanings and hidden information could prove fruitless. However, there may be mysteries closer to home that really do need solving. These can seem more mundane and yet be very rewarding, as they could involve the emotional twists and turns of the human heart concerning someone close.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You seem to have your finger on the pulse when it comes to knowing what's happening and where, giving you the chance to cherry pick events and gatherings you might like to attend. If you find yourself thinking about someone you hope to meet, then clarify rather than spend time in wishful thinking. Once you have the information, you'll know whether to go, or not.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You can be busy, but enjoyably so, which makes a difference. The tasks you can be involved with over coming days could see you at your best, as you use your natural skills and attention to detail to do an excellent job. The only potential issue may be if someone decides to help. Their input could cause further confusion, so it may be wise to politely decline for now.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It would be no surprise if you felt an urge for distant horizons and fresh discoveries, and perhaps a stronger than usual desire to travel. With the Sun in your sign and the Moon in your adventure zone, your horoscope hints that you won't want to be hemmed in over coming days, preferring to enjoy a taste of freedom. Anything that expands your outlook can be perfect, perhaps even a trip to your local book store.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The cosmos may have a message for you, and as it tends to communicate in signs and symbols, it may be an idea to stay alert and see what comes to your attention. It could be an overheard line of conversation, the lyrics of a song or words you read on a poster or billboard. You'll know when something is meant for you, as your instincts will kick in. Just don't try too hard.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With light-hearted and flirtatious energies in play, social events can be very entertaining, and it may be easier to make new friends or hold that first conversation with a love interest. Solo? There can be opportunities for moving in new circles and connecting with those on your wavelength. Even so, you could find someone with a fresh outlook very attractive indeed.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The things you put your mind to today can yield positive results over coming days, if you are clear about what you want to accomplish. The Moon's tie to nebulous Neptune in your sector of mind and communication, could make this more difficult than it should be though. That is, unless you take stock of your priorities. Once these are in order you can progress quickly down the list.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Lively energies can encourage you to think big in terms of your plans for the coming days, and this in turn, can give rise to travel plans. Just be sure that everyone is on the same page, as there is a possibility of someone getting it wrong and things becoming very confused. Still, if you're seeking romance or keen to add sparkle to your present bond, this is very possible too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may want to keep certain feelings under wraps and away from others for now, which is fine if it leaves you more comfortable. But there may be no hiding them from someone who knows you well, and who can sense what is going on for you. If you can get away for a few hours though, any issues could unravel themselves. Channeling emotions into art can also be helpful.