Lively Mercury angles towards sobering Saturn and fiery Mars, so we may be keen to accept an invite and yet need to handle certain responsibilities first.
If we can see to this other issue first though, we can have a really good time free of guilt. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 23rd September 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Sunday 23rd September 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Be creative, seductive and anything else, but be aware that not everyone might agree with the things you do or the way you do them. Don't let this worry you though, as you are often made of stronger stuff. Even so, an edgy influence suggests that someone could touch a vulnerable spot. This might be the time to distance yourself, as this is not the kind of friend you need at all. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the Sun joining perceptive Mercury in your sector of work and wellness, and making sterling ties to feisty Mars, the coming days can see you keen to put an idea out there and make it work. If it's something different, there may be some discomfort around doing so though. However, if you want to aspire beyond any limitations, this can be your chance to make a move.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your confidence can soar, and you might begin to feel better than you have in some time. Issues that may have been a bit of a challenge could now seem less fraught, and by tackling them, you might find they are easily cleared up. Another dreamier focus suggests that you may pick up on others' vibes which could affect your clarity, so avoid big decisions for a day or so.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The way to deal with any negative vibes may be to detach and rise above them, rather than face them head on. If this doesn't work, then you may need to set firmer boundaries with someone if they continue to impose on you. Whatever their grievance, you don't have to take their burden upon yourself as you won't help anyone if you do. Better to nip this in the bud if you can.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There are times when your natural leadership qualities come to the fore, and you can't help but try to push things along in the direction you want them to go. This is all well and good, but others might object, even if they don't say so openly. With the Sun your ruler in tactful Libra, you can find that gentle persuasion and a few well-crafted words could make this task easier.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If like a lot of Virgos, you are dedicated to beauty and perfection, then you appreciate good craftsmanship and a job done well. That is why it might help to pay for the services of someone if you need a task completed to a high standard. You may have many talents, but if you want something to look like a masterpiece, even if it's decorating or gardening, an expert could help.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The present focus is very much about self-belief Libra. With the radiant Sun in your sign for a four week stay, you may feel far more positive even if you face a daunting task. The more you consider it, the more you might relish working through it and the likelier it is that you will do a good job. In fact, you may be more relaxed than you have been, and this can be half the battle.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be tempted to share important advice that you think might stop someone from doing something you see as misguided. It is possible though, that your words might be rejected and that the person in question may make a point of showing their displeasure. Then again, this may be one of those situations where despite your concern, they will need to learn for themselves.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your thought processes may move so fast over coming days, that it can seem you know the answers before they have even been asked. However, not everyone may be able to think so clearly and quickly, so you may need to make allowances. Yet when it comes to a money matter, it might be you that experiences a mental block and someone else who points out an option.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Should you play it safe or be bolder? Go with the crowd or take off on your own? Such decisions can be difficult for you Capricorn, as a sign that prefers to calculate the odds before you make a move. If you decide to take that leap of faith, then it might not work out as you hope. However, this doesn't mean it has failed, as your horoscope suggests you could discover something to your advantage.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Try to allow yourself some alone time if you can, as it might be helpful for you. You may have a lot to consider and you can't think clearly if your thoughts are in turmoil. The lively focus on your sector of far horizons and ties to sobering Saturn, suggest that you may be in two minds about whether to grasp an opportunity. Doubts can clear in a few days, then you may be ready.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Sun and Mercury opposing a sensitive point in your sector of personal finance, you may feel that if you could just sort your money situation out everything else would fall into place. However, it may not be about resources and in fact, reflect a deeper issue that is linked to emotions and self-worth. Working on this as a priority could help you to marshal those you do have.