Horoscopes Wednesday 12th September 2018

As Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune aligns harmoniously with powerful Pluto, we may be ready to take a bold step forward.

This transit can inspire us to aim regarding a personal goal or ambition. However, it is essential to do the groundwork first as impatience could be costly. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 12th September 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 12th September 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Positive trends can prove excellent for progress. But much as you want to forge ahead, a side of you may benefit from a little down time. Shopping can be one way to feel sated, but what might be better is a chance to completely unwind with a massage or other healing treatment. You'll likely then feel much restored and ready to conquer the world, or at least power forwards. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Positive aspects may bring you together with those you chime with, and with whom you can feel very much at ease. However, you may find yourself on a different wavelength, especially over coming days, perhaps preferring to follow your own inclinations and dreaming big dreams in the process. Making a start on one of them could help you channel your energy productively.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may have big plans or be at the point where a goal or business idea looks to be proceeding nicely. Because of this, it would be a shame to get distracted by something that could knock you off your stride. However, if you really need to let off steam, then arranging an outing with a friend or partner to do something exciting later, could help you maintain that all important focus.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Try not to let the little things take you away from more important considerations, as there is a chance they could. If you have been summoning the courage to talk to someone you admire or ask a love interest on a date, you could so easily be put off if you engage with tasks that take your mind away from this commitment. If you can just do it, you may be so pleased with yourself.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Lunar ties today can see you upbeat, but eager to do anything except what you are supposed to do. Would this be such a bad thing though Leo? It seems so on the surface, but if this leads you to make new discoveries that can help you, then it can be worth it. You seem to be doing well regarding bigger plans and to be on target, so a little dalliance surely won't go amiss.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You could be tempted by a brilliant and irresistible idea, whether it is practical or not. However, if it encourages you to take a short cut regarding an ongoing project, try to resist. If you have worked long and hard to get where you are now, it is unlikely that a quick fix is going to add anything and might detract from it. Keep moving at a steady pace and do yourself proud.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Surprises can come in all kinds of packages, but with sultry Venus your ruler opposing electric Uranus, you could get a call or unexpected visit. And it might be from someone whose company you greatly value and who you might like to see more of. With feisty Mars your relationship planet, now working to your benefit, your horoscope suggests showing your interest could help fate to take its course.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your solar horoscope looks to be fairly active, with the coming days seemingly keeping you on your toes Scorpio. Even so, you may find it hard to resist an invite that can show up out-of-the-blue. If you have been putting energy into building a new relationship or advancing a project, then this can be a way to lighten up a little. You can then return to your task feeling restored.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Just as it seems you have everything in hand, an unexpected event could add an edgier note to the day. It may be positive, such as a lively encounter or fun invite, but the anticipation of what might happen next could make it more difficult to settle when you really need some down time. Calming activities before bed might aid you in getting a restful sleep, allowing you some respite.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A friend of a friend could be so very different from your usual crowd that they may take you aback. And you might be uncertain whether you find them irritating or great company, or even a mix of both. However, the coming days could see you inspired by them. They may even have suggestions that are useful to you. Over time, you could perhaps forge a very strong bond.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As sweet Venus aligns with cautious Saturn, you may wonder just how far you should go in discussing your feelings. With Saturn in a secluded sector, your natural reaction may be to hold back, which is very understandable. However, with Venus also linking to Uranus, you could let something slip and once you do, you may not be able to stop yourself from saying a lot more.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Although this can be an exciting day that has the potential for many gains, there may be some confusion concerning your motives. This could be down to inquisitive Mercury opposing ethereal Neptune in your sign, as you may feel you have to try very hard to gain someone's approval. Do you really though Pisces? It may be that just being yourself is more than enough.