Horoscopes Sunday 22nd July 2018

As delectable Venus forges a positive aspect with expansive Jupiter,the  coming days can be great for mixing, mingling and enjoying good company.

If attending a social event, encounters can seem fortuitous and a lucky coincidence could bring an opportunity our way. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 22nd July 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 22nd July 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the Sun enters a more dynamic sector of your chart Aries, the coming four weeks can be a cause for delight and a chance to be playful. This is the sector of children, and if your inner child has not had a chance to unwind and have some fun, then you may lack inspiration. Indulging activities you enjoy can aid in refilling your creative well and might give energy levels a boost. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Thinking Mercury is slowing its pace as it journeys through your home zone prior to turning retrograde next week. Because of this Taurus, it may be wise to postpone any costly household projects or any buying or selling plans. If you have no option though and have to go ahead, unexpected events could cause a few delays or might steer your plans in a new direction.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

What you say can have more importance over coming weeks, as your sector of communication benefits from the presence of the sun and its illuminating rays. This can be a plus, as with  eloquent Mercury your guide, preparing to rewind in a few days, it helps to stay alert to avoid any mixed messages. Yet even under this and other edgy influences, your horoscope hints that friendships can still blossom.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Could there be the chance of romance? If the stars have their way, it may be possible. A lovely aspect between sultry Venus and jovial Jupiter hints that you and another could find you have a lot in common. And the more you know, the more you might want to know. Equally, a friendship could develop for the same reason Cancer, and may well be like a breath of fresh air.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

As the Sun glides into your sign for a four week stay, you may feel more in control and energetic compared to previous weeks, when events may not always have unfolded in the way you would have liked. This influence can see your confidence and charisma peaking, making you an attractive option. But more unpredictable influences suggest it can be wiser to quash any impulsive tendencies.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The coming weeks bring a chance to go inwards and reflect on life, and on how happy you are with your circumstances. As the Sun moves into a more secluded sector Virgo, this is your chance to look at issues that may have bothered you for a while and to gently begin to unpick them. In addition, key insights may come from unexpected sources and could be a revelation.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your social life could have added sparkle over coming weeks, as a key influence can spotlight pleasant events and relationships. An accent on the past could also develop as expressive Mercury slows prior to rewinding in a few days. This could coincide with a planned reunion or perhaps a call from an old friend, or even an accidental meeting that could be quite a surprise.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the focus shifts to your sector of goals, the coming weeks can be an opportunity to make an impression and let others know more about your various skills. This influence can be valuable whether you are looking for a job or keen to help out in your community. The idea of taking on more responsibility can appeal too, although planetary influences suggest not overdoing it.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You can begin to feel much more at ease in general over coming weeks, as the Sun moves out of an intense sector and into your travel and adventure zone. However, with a lunar eclipse on the cards over coming days, lively Mercury preparing to rewind and other edgy influences suggest it may be wise to avoid making travel plans for a week or so Archer, to allow things to settle.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It may seem that situations around you are becoming more intense, but this could be because you are more focused on your feelings and on what you can do to find solutions. It might be helpful not to make any major decisions regarding your finances for a week or so, and to monitor income and outgoings, as key influences can encourage impulsive moves when caution may be better.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The presence of the expressive Mercury in your relationship zone, can support good conversation and may also inspire you to resolve any minor niggles. From today, the Sun also moves in for a four week stay which can bring opportunities to rethink your priorities in this area. Indeed, the coming days can be a chance to air an issue that you might not have mentioned previously.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

All things related to wellbeing, routines, work and lifestyle can rise to the top of your agenda from today and may be a bigger consideration for the coming four weeks or so. However, over coming days there is the possibility of some disruption to your best laid plans, so if you can cut back your schedule and give yourself more time to tackle such eventualities, life may be easier.