Horoscopes Wednesday 18th July 2018

The Moon in Libra forges a positive angle with Mars in its retro phase, which can bring someone from the past back into our life.

This looks to be a pleasant meeting and one that might encourage us to see this person again, if it feels good to do so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Wednesday 18th July 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Wednesday 18th July 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If progress seems sporadic, especially when it comes to your goals and ambitions, this may be because Mars your ruler, continues its rewind phase, and both sobering Saturn and powerful Pluto are in reverse too. There is the option of getting help though, if you're willing to ask for it. And there is no need to feel guilty either, as by doing so, you might accomplish so much more. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As lovely Venus continues its journey through your sector of expression, your creative side may come to the fore. Over the days ahead, someone might encourage you to take a craft or skill of yours to the next level and so expand your options. The only thing that might stop you are old beliefs. Once you see how these might have been holding you back, you can begin to let them go.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With the Sun in the last few degrees of your money zone, the coming days can be an opportunity to resolve any lingering issues. While there are some problems that cannot be sorted out all at once, making inroads into them can send the signal that you are in control and doing something positive. If you show willing, your horoscope suggests you may be given some leeway if you need it.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Lunar ties to sobering Saturn in your partnership zone and fiery Mars in your sector of deep emotions, encourage you to take your feelings into account when making certain decisions. The Moon in a more private sector, might see you striving for balance and harmony. And if you can be diplomatic with a certain person and very patient with another, this may well be possible.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

While you may have something to tell someone, stellar influences encourage you to do so in a way that leaves them feeling good. With the Moon in your sector of talk and thought aligning to fiery Mars as it rewinds in your relationship zone, you may need to be fairly open to get it across. However, if you do this sensitively, then much good can come out of your conversation.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Certain connections can seem very special, but one may stand out above all the others for having a unique quality. You may have certain beliefs in common or find that talking together leaves you feeling more upbeat, inspired and willing to explore new ideas and activities. However, it can help to take a practical approach to any mutual plans before you become more involved.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With the Moon in your sign making a harmonious connection to dynamic Mars in your recreational zone, you may find relaxation concerning a hobby you haven't indulged for some time. As fiery Mars continues to rewind in your leisure zone, this can be a journey of exploration and re-discovery, as picking up on a pastime or a sport you once enjoyed can be so good for you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With Mars rewinding in your home zone and opposing the point of destiny, the coming days can gift you with an opportunity to process aspects of your past that might prevent you from forging ahead. These may be small incidents, yet they can be the root cause of certain beliefs that are no longer true, and that could be one of the last barriers to achieving a key aspiration.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A connection with someone in the past could come to light, perhaps because someone in your social circle mentions them. And this might lead you to want to connect. If you find yourself getting along well, then you might want to meet up on a more regular basis, and this could lead to you becoming good friends and enjoying some pleasant times over the weeks and months ahead.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may find that someone shares your love of certain music, artists or other creative things, and this could be the reason that you feel so good in their company. With positive Jupiter continuing its uplifting tie with nebulous Neptune, attending related events can be a highlight and afterwards, you could feel rejuvenated in a way that leaves you ready to enjoy further outings.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An idea or suggestion can lift your spirits, and this might be because it gives you hope for the future. If key plans and projects seem to be at a standstill, then it is likely down to feisty Mars as it continues to rewind in your sign. The thoughts that someone shares with you could allow you to see possibilities that you might not have considered, and this may help to boost your resolve.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the beautifully located Venus begins to make an upbeat tie with expansive Jupiter in your zone of travel and far horizons, the coming days can bring a pleasant invite for an outing or even a mini-break or vacation. Travel can be discussed, and you might find that the place where you are going could be beneficial to you in some way, as it might bring peace and relaxation, or an opportunity.