The Sun in Aries continues to make an awkward link with fiery Mars in ambitious Capricorn, so we could find ourselves at odds with someone in authority.
This may not be the best time to challenge them directly though, when a compromise can be so much better all round. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 26th March 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 26th March 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although you can feel very positive, it is also possible that things may not be moving as quickly as you had hoped. Personal goals and career matters may require you to be very exacting in the work you do and the steps you take to make progress. At the same time, you might crave freedom to do your own thing. For now though, a disciplined approach can reward you greatly. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With lively Mercury rewinding in your psychological sector, and with other planetary action ongoing here, your thoughts can lead you back to experiences that may have shaped your life or aspects of your present situation. However, with the Sun also forging an angle to dynamic Mars in your zone of new opportunities, the urge to take things to a new level can also be activated Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The coming days can see a mix of energies showing that may encourage you to socialize, while also enticing you to explore deeper issues. Fresh encounters though, could leave you keen to explore new ideas and projects. Keep your options open, as your focus could shift. Indeed, you may be moving through a phase where you are learning about what is truly important to you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It can seem that you are living in two worlds over coming days, one concerned with what you want and the other with what key people in your life want. This could leave you feeling pressured and perhaps anxious at times if you are trying to keep everyone happy. If you are noting a degree of overwhelm though, consider ways in which you can pare down your schedule to ease things.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The more you have to accomplish, the more that open roads and the freedom to do as you please might seem to beckon. If so, now is the time to do something Leo, especially if you have taken on more than you can reasonably handle. With a Full Moon in your sector of far horizons racing up, your horoscope suggests that allowing yourself permission for a break or following a whim can elevate your spirits.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may have reached a stage with a creative project or perhaps a budding relationship where things can seem stuck. If so, it may be that you need a fresh perspective. With lovely Venus moving to align with innovative Uranus, it may be that talking to a confidant or a friend's keen insight, can gift you with radical ideas. You might not be convinced, but it may well be worth a try.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
It can seem that a domestic issue is taking up a lot of time and energy, and is no closer to being resolved. If this is the case, then it might be just as well to bide your time. The more you push to sort this out, the more various obstacles might seem to crop up. You might find that taking your mind off it by accepting an impromptu invite can allow you to take things in your stride.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun's edgy link with feisty Mars can serve to increase your vitality and leave you eager to get on with a task that might need to be completed. With sobering Saturn in the picture too however, you could over think this and hold yourself back. While you can feel great pride in a job well done, trying to make it too perfect could get in the way of letting your actions flow Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If someone has helped you out during a difficult time, you may want to repay them. It is how you do this that could be the issue. Yet listening to your intuition and following through can make this a pleasant occasion. In addition, a lively line-up in your leisure zone can encourage you to try out new experiences. Even those enjoyed previously may have a surprising new twist though.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You won't lack discipline or staying power, but there is a danger that you could try too hard to resolve something that should be relatively easy. If this involves family or your home situation, you might find that relaxing your efforts and allowing the answer to show up, as it very likely will, can make life much easier. It might even be that a visitor has the perfect suggestion for you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Having a clear picture of what you are aiming for can be so helpful over coming days Aquarius. With a very potent focus on your psychological sector though, this may not be so easy. You could limit your potential because of past efforts that may not have worked out as you hoped. A sense of perspective in this regard could enable you to take those first tentative steps.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Should you stick with what you know best or try something different? With lively Mercury rewinding in your sector of skills and talents, you might find great benefit from using certain abilities in a new way or in a different setting. If an opportunity shows up, it can gift you with the chance to put this idea into practice and in so doing, you could benefit really quite positively.