Horoscopes Sunday 25th March 2018

With the Moon in Cancer forging angles to both jovial Jupiter and powerful Pluto desires can be intense.

We may feel moved to do something about them. However, it might be just as well to give such ideas careful thought first. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Sunday 25th March 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Sunday 25th March 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If the past few days have been hectic and somewhat intense, then the Moon's positive tie to dreamy Neptune suggests taking some time out to unwind, get some distance from key issues and perhaps make time to reflect or meditate if this suits you. Some rather edgy situations may still be ongoing but getting a respite from them could gift you with imaginative and creative solutions. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You could find someone very attractive, and this can be the case whether it's a platonic relationship or a budding romance. In fact, the cosmos hints that it may be better to keep this to yourself and to let things develop naturally for now. If you say anything Taurus, then friends might infer much that isn't true, so the less reason you give them to talk, the more at ease you can feel.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Although you may be looking forward to the day, you could find it hard to settle unless you get a chore completed. You may resent the time spent doing it, but you can feel so much better once it is done. If you're thinking of a shopping spree, there can be a tendency to splurge to counteract uncomfortable emotions, when a therapeutic treatment may be more beneficial to you.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Though you can have big plans, the Moon's tie to the ephemeral Neptune, may see you adopting a relaxed approach. If you have arranged an outing or offered to spend time with a significant other, you can benefit from taking a quiet respite first, just to get your bearings. Once refreshed, you may have more energy for what lies ahead and for entertaining and being entertained.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

While things can seem straightforward on the surface, there are influences that could cause disruptions Leo. Whatever you have on your agenda might not go according to plan. In fact, it might be just as well to prepare for one or two snafus. If you can keep an open mind and remain flexible, this could allow you to accept other fun options or invites at a moment's notice.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Much as you might want to do your own thing, friends may have other plans for you. You could find yourself whisked away on an outing that is very welcome and inspiring. Plus, if you haven't had time to see the latest cultural exhibition or attend a concert in your area, then this can be a good time to think about it. Your horoscope suggests you might learn something to your advantage if you go along Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although the focus on your sector of relating can see you enjoying good company, the Moon in a more prominent zone suggests that you might unintentionally stand out from the crowd. Perhaps there is someone you want to impress, even if you don't want to admit this to yourself. If you're promoting an event that can help others though, your caring energy can truly inspire.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Whatever fresh plans you have may stall unless you can move out of your emotional comfort zone. This might involve feeling a certain amount of fear and going for the golden prize anyway. If you manage this, you may find that what seems like nerves can really be the excitement of trying something new. And mastering this Scorpio, can see you going from strength to strength.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There may be many leisure options open to you, but before you get involved in them, lunar ties encourage you to see to your own personal needs. This might mean taking a walk solo in nature, enjoying a scented bath or getting a massage. Anything that can ease away tensions and boost your spirits could allow you to fully enjoy doing more exciting and adventurous things Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

While you are often the one others turn to for help and support, don't be too proud to ask the same of others. If you need to talk, then arranging to connect with a trusted friend and letting it all out can feel such a relief. You might find this is enough and that you feel so much better as a result. Indeed, giving yourself a treat by doing something nice can leave you more upbeat too.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may feel it is your duty to give freely to causes that capture your heart. While this can be very commendable, it also helps to know where to draw the line. A charity appeal may inspire you to be very generous over coming days, and you could be tempted to give more than is necessary just because you want to make a difference. If it leaves you short though, go easy.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you feel like taking in an exhibition, going to a craft fair or perusing your local art gallery, this could leave you with ideas that you can channel in your own way. And doing something so energizing and inspiring might also see you tapping into your own creative talents. Activities that allow you to express your natural abilities can be therapeutic, and a lot of fun for you too Pisces.