Horoscopes Saturday 3rd February 2018

As expressive Mercury ties with lively Mars, our ideas can spark actions that bear fruit. A conversations could act as a catalyst that spurs us on.

As this is an harmonious tie, we may have so many ideas that we could be spoilt for choice. In this case, our instincts can be our guide. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 3rd February 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 3rd February 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As an Aries, you can feel at your best when you are doing something to further your plans, whether they are big or small. Over the days ahead, you might be very inspired by an opportunity that could introduce you to some exciting experiences. You may need to move out of your comfort zone, but you might enjoy the challenge of learning something completely new to you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

No matter how much you have on your plate, don't let this prevent you from exploring new possibilities. The coming days can see you pondering an idea whose time has come, and that you can truly resonate with. It may involve pooling your resources with another, but if you are both focused on a positive outcome, working together on this can see you reaping your due rewards.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As a Gemini, you can be flexible and adaptable. This may be more difficult though when it comes to certain sensitive issues. With sobering Saturn and passionate Pluto in your sector of change for the long-term, letting go of the past may not always be easy. Don't try to do so all at once, but approach this slowly. Over time, any uncomfortable emotions could melt away once and for all.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Try not to be too suspicious if something you have always wanted is offered to you on a plate. With lovely Venus in your sector of shared resources and upbeat Jupiter in your leisure zone, this positive aspect can see you being the recipient of one or two opportunities or gifts. Be open to receive Cancer, knowing that you fully deserve everything that comes your way at this time.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Because of your strong work ethic, others may realise that if they want something done, you are the one they can rely on. And, with both prudent Saturn and intensive Pluto in your sector of work and lifestyle, you may have ambitions and be ready to work hard to realise them. In practice though, pacing yourself can allow you to be more productive over the long-term Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

With a lovely blend of energies in your chart over coming days, there may be no end to what you can achieve. Your abilities and personal strengths can easily outshine any perceived areas of difficulty. Therefore, if you have a brilliant idea, sharing it with another on your wavelength can see it coming together very nicely. A convivial aspect can also be perfect for a special outing.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

An idea can show so much promise that you may be tempted to work on it right away. And this may be no bad thing Libra, particularly with inquisitive Mercury in your creative zone making a positive aspect to dynamic Mars in your communication sector. You might feel that you want to tell your friends about it right away. It may be best to share it once it is up and running though.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As a Scorpio, you can be a blend of ambition and idealism. It may be your idealistic side that shines out now though, with philosophical Jupiter in your sector of responsibilities. However, there is a very intense focus that can see you trying to be too perfect when there's no need. Don't be too hard on yourself, as when you are at ease, your wonderful qualities can shine through.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The people you connect with over coming weeks may bring exciting ideas and opportunities your way. And the coming days are no exception, as a very lively aspect can see you researching a topic that may be the start of good things to come. This is something that you could become very enthusiastic about, so much so, that you may want to study it in more depth Sagittarius.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may feel at your most confident over the coming week and willing to tackle even the most ambitious plan. And you can do very well if you try not to over-think it. With a lovely tie between creative Venus and upbeat Jupiter, the cosmos encourages you to relax into the project at hand and enjoy the process, rather than looking to the end result and what others might think about it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If someone praises you for a job well done, then accept it as being the truth. It may seem that they are flattering you, but you deserve it. Consider using their compliment to boost your confidence and to take things further. This isn't the time to hide your talents away. Your horoscope suggests making the most of them, as everyone stands to gain in wonderful ways, including you Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

No matter how busy you are, don't let those projects and chores take over your life completely. With a very special influence showing up over coming days, you can benefit greatly from spending time in the company of those who are on your wavelength. The enjoyment you get out of this and the fun you can have, might more than make up for small tasks you fail to complete.