Horoscopes Thursday 30th November 2017

As the Moon in Aries opposes feisty Mars in Libra, this can be a day when issues that have been buried may come to the surface.

Bringing them out into the open can be an opportunity to clear the air and perhaps to reach a compromise. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 30th November 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Thursday 30th November 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may have some far-reaching ideas, but are they as good as they appear to be? If you aren't sure then it may be helpful to hold back from doing anything about them for now. This is because Mercury the planet of communication will turn retrograde over the weekend, and this along with other lively influences, can see your focus shifting to other more immediate matters. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With Venus your ruler ready to move into Sagittarius and a more sensitive sector of your chart, it would be no surprise if a relationship issue re-surfaced. If so, this may be a call to sort this matter out so you can enjoy peace of mind. Once lovely Venus changes signs tomorrow, your focus can intensify and you might not feel as inclined to compromise, even if you are willing to now Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With a compassionate blend of energies showing up your caring side can come to the fore, and you may feel like reaching out to help someone out of the goodness of your heart. At the same time, a more fiery and unpredictable influence can encourage an independent attitude, should you feel a need to channel restless energies. If so, a walk or other exercise could be helpful.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon linking to dynamic Mars and electric Uranus, you may crave a sense of freedom from responsibilities, and a chance to spend some time doing your own thing. However, the current backdrop suggests that this isn't the best time to put important issues to one side, no matter how irksome they are. If you can find another way to let off steam, it might be better.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If a key situation seems to be in a state of flux, then this can be due to the very lively nature of the present planetary picture. Bearing this in mind, it may be better to hold back from making any major decisions for the time being, as things can change over coming days. However, any delays or unexpected events could work to your good, as fresh options can show up for you too.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Any sense of restraint can temporarily vanish, especially when it comes to spending money Virgo. The coming days can see you ready to make an impulsive purchase, perhaps because it seems that you need it at the time. Even so, with Mercury your ruler, preparing to enter its retro phase this weekend, your horoscope suggests it may be better to wait, especially when it comes to any big ticket items.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The situation between you and another could seem to be getting more awkward, but is it really? With a very lively blend of energies in the mix, this can be an opportunity to take matters to a new level. You might not want to discuss things right away, but could find that within a few days new ways to deal with a key issue can emerge, and these may well be worth talking about.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may seem buoyant on the surface, but with a very stimulating blend of energies ongoing, you could feel quite restless inside, and this might encourage you to want to break with your usual routine. Don't do anything that might jeopardize your present situation though. It is certainly worth letting others know what you have in mind, and perhaps to schedule some time out.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you are finding it difficult to settle, then it may be because of the energies that are stirring things up for you right now. You could crave excitement, but then again, another set of influences can see you in a dreamy mood and happy to take a step back from life. As things can so easily change over coming days, this may not be the best time to make any firm commitments Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the connection between upbeat Jupiter in your social zone and dreamy Neptune in your sector of communication, you could have high hopes of a friendship or even a potential romance. While this can be a very positive time when your connection with a certain person might develop along spiritual lines, it might be just as well to keep your feet on the ground too.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If others seem to be rushing around, then it can be very tempting for you to do so too. But in order to make sense of the coming days, it might be better to keep a cool head. This isn't the time to be too hasty, as it might not work to your benefit. Taking a step back can be the more useful approach, as it might then become clear what you need to do to be able to move forward.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The way you look at the world may have changed over recent weeks, but it could shift again over coming days as key energies can alter your perspective. Plans that seemed set in stone may not be, as events could influence them. Because of this, you may need to tread with care over coming days and perhaps to put certain goals on hold until you have an idea of the lie of the land Pisces.