Horoscopes Tuesday 26th September 2017

With the Moon linking to both feisty Mars and ethereal Neptune, we may find that our emotions get in the way of accomplishing as much as we would like.

This can be a time to stand back and take stock though, as it is possible that there may be a better way to accomplish our aim. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Tuesday 26th September 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Tuesday 26th September 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

If you are too invested in the outcome of a task, then key influences suggest that you might tie yourself in further knots if you try too hard. Relaxing your stance and turning your mind over to something else could allow you to see other possibilities and to accept that nothing is ever perfect. On a livelier note, your interaction with another can spark exciting opportunities. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may be putting the brakes on yourself when it comes to sharing your feelings with a certain person. It can seem that if you take that risk it may be one step too far, especially if you're half expecting a rebuff. Whether this applies to a romance or an awkward situation, you may not get very far if you are on tenterhooks. In a few days though, you might have more confidence.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may find it hard to ignore the feeling of excitement that is in the air and it could have something to do with a recent encounter and what it means to you. As flamboyant Jupiter moves to oppose innovative Uranus, it is possible that sparks can fly and that you may be looking forward to another meeting. Indeed, this person's attitude to life could be something you aspire to.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

There may be no way you can escape doing something except to tackle it and enjoy the peace that comes with knowing it has been completed. If you put if off any longer then this may lead to you feel guilty for not getting on with it Cancer. Even if it's tedious, it may be best to strengthen your resolve and make a start. And your horoscope reveals that once you get going, it might not seem so bad.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

An offer that you thought was good value might not be, so it may be worth your while to check it out before you spend your hard-earned cash. This might relate to a family outing, a concert or a social event that seems to show promise. Reading the reviews beforehand could be the key to making a wise decision, and finding something more suitable to your tastes and pocket.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may question why someone in your family circle appears a tad stubborn. But if you try to talk to them directly, it is possible they might clam up even more. By adopting a different attitude though, you may be able to get through to them. Approaching this matter in a roundabout way could encourage them to relax and be more forthcoming, and even to speak more openly.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With the Moon in Sagittarius making an awkward angle to feisty Mars and the mesmeric Neptune, you may long to be free of a commitment that isn't easy to get out of. If this has been on your mind for some time, then perhaps it is time to be honest about this matter. It may be that this person doesn't realize how you feel, and that once they know things can change for you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your values may be called into question over coming days should someone try to talk you into a plan that might be a test of your integrity. They may be offering something that seems too good to be true, and as a result probably is. However, it is equally possible that they have misunderstood a crucial point themselves, and might be grateful if you speak your mind Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You presently have a golden opportunity to work towards a future that you can shape to your needs. Yet you may feel more sensitive than usual at a time when you wish you felt stronger and more confident. However, try not to let this get to you as it will pass. Should you feel vulnerable over the next day or so, then it could be time for some self-care and nurturing.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may have mixed feelings about an undertaking that requires a leap of faith, and this might be because of your beliefs. If you feel strongly enough about it, this can be a great opportunity to move up a level and to prove you can do it. While it might seem difficult now, further developments can throw up fresh opportunities and one of these might reveal a way forward.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This is not a time to doubt yourself, especially when there may be fresh possibilities opening up for you. However, due to current influences you might be sensitive to criticism and this can prevent you from making the changes that seem so necessary. It's vital that you value your special skills and use them though, as the world is in need of someone with your talents.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This is one time when it may be best not to try too hard, especially if you sense that you are being watched Pisces. The more relaxed you are about achieving your outcome, the easier it will be to do the job and to impress others. If someone does offer helpful criticism be open to listening though, as with a few adjustments you may find that you don't just fly, you begin to soar.